Volume 21, Issue 2, February 2025 |
Volume 21, Issue 1, January 2025 |
The analysis performed in this report is solely his work and own opinion. State Program: U.S.A (G); EU (E); China (C) “Only MEO- SECM satellites”; Russia (R); Japan (J); India (I)
Narayan Dhital
Actively involved to support international collaboration in GNSSrelated activities. He has regularly supported and contributed to different workshops of the International Committee on GNSS …
The digital transformation in India has had a significant impact on the geospatial sector
Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi
Managing Director SIBHU siva@sibhu.space
Digital transformation (DT) is to use digital technologies in all processes, products and services of an organization. India made great strides in the recent times in DT as part of Digital India Initiative. Aadhaar and Digital …
Energy allocation demands an explicit approach with necessary legal and policy implications, acting as a ground for dispute resolutions
Aravind Poshnath
Doctoral Research Scholar in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne
Dr Behzad Rismanchi
Senior Lecturer heading the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Group at the Department of Infrastructure Engineering of the University of Melbourne
Prof …
Topcon Positioning Systems has entered a strategic partnership with Bentley Systems and Worldsensing to integrate Topcon’s GNSS technology into the companies’ software and connectivity solutions to improve geospatial data accuracy and operational efficiency.
Under the agreement, Topcon’s web-based GNSS processing engine will be incorporated into Bentley’s iTwin internet-of-things (IoT) monitoring solutions, offering users real-time geospatial intelligence for better decision-making and operational …
MerlinTPS has partnered with Bluespec to address the need for GNSS augmentation and backup technology as satellites continue to face new challenges, including wartime contested space as well as increased costs to produce and maintain satellites.
Under the partnership, MerlinTPS will develop its platform to support the expansion of PNT security capabilities by using existing signals of …