Empowering the poor by slum and squatter resettlement in Delhi A K Jain | GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: October 2024 Narayan Dhital | Mobile application based indoor positioning and navigational system using Dijkstra’s algorithm R Deiva Nayagam, D Selvathi, R Geeta, D gopinath and G Sivakumar | Intelligent airborne monitoring of irregularly shaped man-made marine objects using statistical Machine Learning techniques Kaya Kuru, Stuart Clough, Darren Ansell, John McCArthy AnD Stephanie McGovern | Old Coordinates


Intelligent airborne monitoring of irregularly shaped man-made marine objects using statistical Machine Learning techniques
Kaya Kuru, Stuart Clough, Darren Ansell, John McCArthy AnD Stephanie McGovern
The objective of this study is to create a new platform for the automated detection of irregularly shaped man-made marine objects (ISMMMOs) in large datasets derived from marine aerial survey imagery. Readers may recall that we published the first part of the paper in October issue We present here the concluding part...


Empowering the poor by slum and squatter resettlement in Delhi
A K Jain
Slums are inevitable products of urban development. No word suggests more terrible image of the poor man’s life. No word is more capable of rousing people to protest and shock the politicians’ conscience. The challenge and litmus test of urban planning lies in addressing the issues of slums and squatter settlements...


GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: October 2024
Narayan Dhital
The article is a continuation of monthly performance analysis of the GNSS constellation. Please refer to previous issues for past analysis. The time transfer method using GNSS pseudorange measurements is further analyzed in this month’s analysis. An example of the application of GNSS for on-board orbit determination and time synchronization in LEO missions is provided...


Mobile application based indoor positioning and navigational system using Dijkstra’s algorithm
R Deiva Nayagam, D Selvathi, R Geeta, D gopinath and G Sivakumar
The challenge for the indoor navigation system is to provide personal navigation information and the optimal route. Applications of indoor navigation systems need consideration of the Shortest Path problem. The shortest pathways can be used to find solutions to the current problems using Dijkstra’s algorithm...

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