Using hydrological model and geospatial tool to assess climate change impact on the hydropower potential Koffi Claude Alain Kouadio, Siélé Silué, Ernest Amoussou, Kouakou Lazare Kouassi, Arona Diedhiou, Talnan Jean Honoré Coulibaly, Salomon Obahoundjé, Sacré Regis Didi and Houebagnon Saint Jean Coulibaly | Of Imaginary Imageries! Dr Mahavir | The hydrological modeling of Ogbunabali floodplain using remote sensing and geographic information techniques Jonah Iyowuna BenJamin, Uriah Jeremiah, Okwere Chiziandu Enyinda and Akpomrere Oghenesuohwo Rufus | GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: November 2024 Narayan Dhital | Old Coordinates


Using hydrological model and geospatial tool to assess climate change impact on the hydropower potential
Koffi Claude Alain Kouadio, Siélé Silué, ErneSt AmouSSou, KouaKou Lazare KouaSSi, Arona Diedhiou, Talnan Jean Honoré Coulibaly, Salomon ObahoundJé, Sacré RegiS Didi and Houebagnon Saint Jean Coulibaly
This study is a contribution to the establishment of a methodology using hydrological modelling coupled with geospatial analysis to assess the impacts of climate change on the hydropower potential in the White Bandama watershed in Côte d’Ivoire (W. Africa)...


Of Imaginary Imageries!
Dr Mahavir
Let us examine the sequence from ‘image’ to ‘imaginaries’ from the English language viewpoint. ‘Image’ (noun; verb; plural images) leads to ‘imagine’ (transitive verb) and ‘imagination’ (intransitive verb); leading to ‘imagery’ (noun in literary sense; process-verb in the context of remote sensing) (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)...


The hydrological modeling of Ogbunabali floodplain using remote sensing and geographic information techniques
Jonah Iyowuna BenJamin, Uriah Jeremiah, Okwere Chiziandu Enyinda and Akpomrere Oghenesuohwo Rufus
The knowledge of floodplain hydrology and hydraulic (H&H) characteristics is essential for the effective management of its resources. The H&H data are incorporated into the floodplain digital database which guaranteed automatic data storage, editing, and retrieval...


GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: November 2024
Narayan Dhital
The new topic for analysis in this issue is the application of 1 Pulse Per Second (1 PPS) signal in Internet of Things (IoT) devices. A simple demonstration with a low cost GNSS module and a microcontroller is provided...

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