
Jul 2024 | No Comment

Energy allocation demands an explicit approach with necessary legal and policy implications, acting as a ground for dispute resolutions

Aravind Poshnath

Doctoral Research Scholar in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne

Dr Behzad Rismanchi

Senior Lecturer heading the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Group at the Department of Infrastructure Engineering of the University of Melbourne

Prof …

Feb 2024 | 11 Comments

Dr. Anthony Beck

An independent consultant who specialises in digital transformation using the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM), formerly with Registers of Scotland and Ordnance Survey International.

Vladimir V. Evtimov

the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), a land professional experienced in land reforms and land administration

Dr. Keith Clifford Bell

International Development Consultant for Land, Geospatial Information and Disaster Resilience …

Dec 2023 | 19 Comments

Coordinates is pleased to publish this interview of three world experts, on critical issues concerning land administration and geospatial information. Dr. Anthony Beck, Vladimir V. Evtimov and Dr. Keith Clifford Bell, whose collective experience amounts to almost one century, provide a striking candor as they convey their respective deep knowledge and understanding to respond to …

Aug 2023 | No Comment

In this paper we proposed a model and a Proof of Concept imple-mentation on how to integrate blockchain technologies to land administration system that relies on ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model

Attoumane Tahar

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Dakar, Dakar, Sénégal

Gervais Mendy

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Dakar, Dakar, Sénégal

Samuel Ouya

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de …

Jan 2022 | One Comment

To successfully operationalize PPPs in land administration, it is critical to examine and assess the commercial feasibility of each proposed transaction inclusion

Tony Burns

Co-Founder of Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

Fletcher Wright

Managing Director, Planet Partnerships, United States of America

Kate Fairlie

Land administration specialist, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

Kate Rickersey

Managing Director, Land Equity International Wollongong, Australia

It’s all the buzz, …

Oct 2021 | No Comment

The geospatial information in digital format generated under the projects were inputs to other land administration processes which significantly improved the delivery of services, access and transparency while contributing to a more reliable, efficient and effective land administration and management system

Richard Oput

Land Administration/ Geomatics Consultant, Uganda

Uganda got a new Constitution in 1995 which had fundamental …

Dec 2020 | No Comment

Poor land administration affects the collection of revenue for local authorities and contributes to slow land delivery that affects the poor in urban areas. Since 1992 local authorities in Namibia have created reception areas to address the demand for land…

Sep 2019 | 2 Comments

A common view is that a cadastral system is needed to ensure effi cient exchange as well as suitable use of real property units (e.g. Enemark et al., 2005)…

Aug 2019 | One Comment

Existing Nepalese Land Administration System (LAS) only deals with the formal or statutory land tenure system. Out of total arable land, approximately 75% is formally registered in the national cadaster…

Feb 2016 | No Comment

A major disaster puts any land administration system at risk of failure at the time it is most needed. This paper addresses the lessons that Nepal may learn from 2 quite…