Analysis of geomagnetic storm effects on GNSS TEC during ascending phase of solar cycle 25 Geoffrey, J.A,, Wansah, J.F., Jacob, A., Augustina, A., Okoh, D. and Rabiu, A.B. | GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: August 2024 Narayan Dhital | Low-cost multiband GNSS receiver and their performance in accuracy Benjamin Bahel, Raphael Onguene, Loïc B D Tedongmo, Blaise B. Ngwem and Thomas Stieglitz | Old Coordinates | ISRO Annual Report
Analysis of geomagnetic storm effects on GNSS TEC during ascending phase of solar cycle 25
Geoffrey, J.A,, Wansah, J.F., Jacob, A., Augustina, A., Okoh, D. and Rabiu, A.B.
Total electron content (TEC) is an important ionospheric parameter which can be used for many purposes, including the study of the ionosphere-plasmasphere system and Global Navigation Satellite Systems applications... [more]
GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: August 2024
Narayan Dhital
The article is a continuation of monthly performance analysis of the GNSS constellation. Please refer to previous issues for past analysis... [more]
Low-cost multiband GNSS receiver and their performance in accuracy
Benjamin Bahel, Raphael Onguene, Loïc B D Tedongmo, Blaise B. Ngwem and Thomas Stieglitz
This study aim is to investigate the possibility to used low cost GNSS receiver in the place of those costly one, by appreciating the time of processing data and the coordinates to converge under 50 seconds, then model the errors between those two instruments before evaluating their accuracy. The materials used were the one of reading, and observation of data, the order for the processing of data... [more]
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