Exciting predictions for GIS users using GNSS technology in 2025 Jean-Yves Lauture | GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: December 2024 Narayan Dhital | Analysis of the cooling effects of urban green spaces in mitigating micro-climate change using geospatial techniques in Adama City, Ethiopia Biratu BoBo Merga, Kenate WorKu taBor and Girma Alemu Melka | Interview Muralikrishna V. iyyanki | Old Coordinates
GNSS Constellation Specific Monthly Analysis Summary: December 2024
Narayan Dhital
The new topic that is addressed is the usages of GNSS PVT solutions for the Terminal Area Energy Management of spaceplanes, re-usable space vehicles and unmanned air vehicles.... [more]
Analysis of the cooling effects of urban green spaces in mitigating micro-climate change using geospatial techniques in Adama city, Ethiopia
Biratu BoBo Merga, Kenate WorKu taBor and Girma Alemu Melka
This study analyzed the cooling effects of urban vegetation cover in mitigating micro- climate change using geospatial techniques in Adama City central Ethiopia. The study revealed that the radical changes in land use/ land cover dynamics.... [more]
NSDI journey in India - A comprehensive book charts its course. Order your FREE copy!
USSF field commands successfully launch GPS III
u-blox launches new GNSS chip for wearable applications