Mar 2021 | No Comment

Hiber successfully launches second generation satellite
Hiber, the European satellite IoT company, recently launched Hiber Four satellite in space, via SpaceX’s first rideshare mission of 2021 – Transporter-1. It is a second generation satellite developed and assembled by Hiber’s engineers in its Amsterdam office. Hiber Four, and its sister satellite Hiber Three (launching in March), …

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Technology demonstrator microsatellite for Norway
The Norwegian Space Agency (NOSA) has awarded Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) of Canada a contract to develop the NorSat Technology Demonstrator (TD) microsatellite. With a primary mission of testing out new technologies in space, NorSat-TD will validate payloads and concepts from Norway, the Netherlands, France and Italy.
SFL, which developed …

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Global Mapper v22.1
Blue Marble Geographics has released version 22.1 of Global Mapper. The version 22.1 release includes several enhancements to the software’s 3D Viewer including, a new ‘Save 3D Views’ function and 3D View navigation tools to target the camera on specific features and lock the pivot axis around a feature of interest. The …

Mar 2021 | No Comment

NASA advancing GNSS capabilities
NASA is developing capabilities that will allow missions at high altitudes to take advantage of signals from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) constellations — like GPS commonly used in the U.S. These signals — used on Earth for navigation and critical timing applications — could provide NASA’s Artemis missions to the Moon …

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Location information is an integral part of the modern digital ecosystem and critical for unlocking economic, social and environmental opportunities for sustainable growth and development of the country…

Mar 2021 | No Comment

The development of the modern Greek cadaster has been a long standing objective for every Greek government since the early 19th century in order to replace the existing oldfashioned individual based system…

Mar 2021 | No Comment

Modern cities and urban environments are becoming denser more heavily populated and are still rapidly growing, including new infrastructures, markets, banks, transportation, etc. In the last two decades, more and more cities and mega-cities have started using multi-camera networks in order to face this challenge.

Mar 2021 | No Comment

This paper examines the spatial and temporal distribution of all COVID-19 cases from January to June 2020 against the underlying distribution of population in the United States. It is found that, as time passes, COVID-19 cases become a power law with cutoff, resembling the underlying spatial distribution of populations…

Jan 2021 | No Comment

Volume XVII, Issue 1, January 2021

The Importance of being resilient: Challenges with GNSS in COVID-19 times

John Fischer

The COVID-19 pandemic sheds light on our dependence on PNT services

Guy Buesnel

Digital Twin – Industrial navigation Avatars for cooperative multimachine automation

Graeme Hooper

C++ programming for cartography and geodesy students

V R Zablotskii

COVID-19 – Geo-spatial big data analysis

Arun Kumar Verma, Anjul Verma …