
Apr 2021 | No Comment

Medici Land Governance (MLG) captures property information including spatial and textual data by identifying and mapping land boundaries using high resolution drone imagery. MLG works closely with country governments to establish formal property ownership for land owners by implementing Systematic Land…

Dec 2020 | No Comment

The Master Plan of Delhi-2021 (MPD- 2021) has envisaged a paradigm shift in land assembly, and stipulates optimum use of land and land pooling policy for the new sub-cities. It involves the preparation of land pooling and land use plans, physical and social infrastructure…

Nov 2020 | No Comment

Practical solutions for the protection of smallholder land rights

Timothée Rukundo

Program Manager for ZOA in the Democratic Republic of Congo

David Betge

Sector Specialist for Land Rights and Peacebuilding at ZOA Netherlands

In the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), insecurity of tenure rights, displacement, poverty and general security issues are major obstacles to economic and social …

Jul 2020 | No Comment

Fiji has land ownership in Fiji are three different tenureship in state land (4%), native land (90%) and freehold (6%). With 90% of native land ownership, there lies traditional and sentimental ties to the land and its protocols.

Jan 2020 | 10 Comments

The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of experiences globally with LRS PPPs and privatization proposals. Readers may recall that in the first part of the paper published in November issue the emphasis was on understanding privatization and Public Private Partnerships…

Dec 2019 | 6 Comments

This report presents ten case studies on LRS ASD approaches – 6 where PPP has been fully adopted; two outright rejections (one of which also considered full privatization); and two which have adopted alternative approaches…

Nov 2019 | 6 Comments

Any engagement in dialogue on proposed changes to land registry services delivery, either through privatization or Public Private Partnerships…

Aug 2019 | No Comment

We can learn and accomplish a great deal when female land intermediaries work hand-in-hand with chartered surveyors

Emem Isang

Women In Surveying (WIS), Nigeria

Anne Girardin

Cadasta, USA

Madaleine Weber

Cadasta, USA

Land administration is generally the responsibility of governments. But in emerging economies, the lack of financial and human resources prevent many governments from building and maintaining comprehensive land registries and …

Jul 2019 | No Comment

For over 20 years, governments in developing and developed countries have invested worldwide on improving the certainty of rights, restrictions and responsibilities by implementing land tenure reform projects…

Dec 2018 | No Comment

We can treat Agricultural Land Consolidation as a merging, enlargement, eliminating of mosaic land ownership and improvement…