Urbanisation is one of our most significant challenges (Suzuki et al, 2010). Rightly or wrongly, achieving sustainable urbanisation has been increasing reliant on high-rise, high-density buildings as the dominant urban form, and the stratified use of space to provide infrastructure, utilities and services both above and underground.
The Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) released its Report Card on the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) that depicts the condition and performance of the nation’s geospatial..
Valuation of real estate/ properties is in many countries/ cities the basis for fair taxation. The property value depends on many aspects, including the physical real world aspects (geometries, material of object as build) and legal/ virtual aspects (rights, restrictions, responsibilities, zoning/development plans applicable to the objects spaces). The aim of this study is to investigate the opportunities provided by the semantically rich 3D building and cadastral models for valuation and taxation. In this paper we investigate the following related aspects…
The set of satellite systems for global navigation that are functioning or are expected to be launched in the future, in English are called GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), whereas in Albanian it will be SSNG (Sistemi satelitor për navigim global). This system allows determining the position in the whole globe…