Articles in the Articles Category

Sep 2008 | Comments Off on Future Cities India 2020 Competition Finals

The Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India and Bentley Systems, Incorporated has launched the 2008-2009 Future Cities India 2020 competition finals. Currently in its third year, the competition encourages students to help prepare India’s cities for the year 2020 by providing design solutions to real-world infrastructure challenges. This …

Sep 2008 | Comments Off on Geography in Action

ESRI’s International User Conference draws more than 14,500 attendees

ESRI President Jack Dangermond
In his opening remarks at ESRI’s 28th …

Sep 2008 | Comments Off on Land administration Trends and issues in the Asia and Pacific

19-20 August 2008 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

TThe UN sponsored Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure
(PCGIAP) together with …

Sep 2008 | Comments Off on Land matters



From the role of land administration in sustainable development…
To the promotion of effective land markets.
e-land administration, land registration, cadastral surveying and mapping.
Poverty reduction and protection of vulnerable groups.
A range of issues.
The 14th PCIGIAP meet at Kuala Lumpur discussed and deliberated all.
Another step in a long journey…
The journey which is difficult and tortuous.
Understandably, when one deals …

Aug 2008 | No Comment

Mobile tools for wayfinding combined with Location Based Services (LBS) can provide pedestrians with practical information concerning optimal routes and useful facilities in their vicinity. However, what is considered as “optimal” and “useful” largely varies between different kinds of individuals. Inappropriate information may hinder effective information extraction for a person seeking specific navigational and environmental information…

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “The success of NSDI lies in new and innovative applications’’

Ir.Rudolf W.Matindas, Head of Bakosurtanal (National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping) …

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “DiMAC Systems to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras’’

Mr. Julien LOSSEAU, COO of Dimac Systems s.a.r.l. in an exclusive tete a tete with Coordinates magazine during ISPRS Congress in Beijing

According to him, DIMAC Systems truly believes that behind its mission and desire to offer a new product lies something even more significant: the will to provide a new approach …

Aug 2008 | No Comment

The Galileo E5 signal employs a complex sub-carrier modulation known as AltBOC(15,10) modulation. The sub-carriers are specially chosen waveforms that result in a split spectrum and a constant envelope after the modulation. Four codes are combined with these specially chosen complex sub-carriers to obtain the modulating signal which then phase modulates the E5 carrier. Alternatively, the complete modulation can be…

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

August 2008


ESRI’s 28th annual International User Conference


August 4-8, 2008 in San Diego, California


3rd Indonesian Geo-Information …

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on Silk road for information from imagery

The XXI ISPRS Congress, 3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China

The opening ceremony of XXI ISPRS (Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Congress was chaired by Prof Yang Kai, President of Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography. Mr Lu Xinse, Vice Minister of Land Resources of China, Director General …