
Jul 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS –GIS

Credent aids in Myanmar’s cyclone relief work


After NARGIS cyclone hit Myanmar and took the lives of about 100,000, an estimated 1.5 million victims are trying to survive in midst of chaos. Credent plans to extend assistance in the cyclone affected regions by providing the related map data from available resources including local organizations and the web. The development of the maps and GIS data is currently under Credent expense. To strengthen the provision of this vital information, any funding received will greatly improve the speed of the work.

Jul 2008 | Comments Off on 3D mapping from space?

Lately we observe an amazing increase in earth-observation platforms equipped with ultra high-resolution imagers. With the recent deployment of WorldView-1 we have reached the 0.5 m footprint level.

Jul 2008 | Comments Off on Role of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in Wenchuan Earthquake

An earthquake, measured 8.0 on the Richter scale, struck Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province at 14:28 on May 12, 2008. The epicenter was at Yingxiu, a town in Wenchuan, as shown in Figure 1. As indicated in Figure 1, the middle segment of the Longmen Mountain earthquake zone encloses the epicenter, Yingxiu, with the Longmen Mountain zone being part of the north-south earthquake zone in China. According to records, there have been 9 earthquakes larger than a grade of 8 occurring in the north-south earthquake zone from 1739, and 7 of them were after 1897, when the greatest one was at Haiyun in 1920 and at Chayu in 1950, both of them measured 8.5.

Jul 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS –INDUSTRY

Carlson Software to give users CAD platform choice

Bruce Carlson, president and founder of Carlson Software Inc., announced the addition of the ability to run on IntelliCAD (ICAD) to the 2009 releases of Carlson Software. These include Carlson Civil 2009, Carlson Survey 2009, Carlson Hydrology 2009, Carlson Mining 2009, Carlson Takeoff 2009 and Carlson GIS 2009.

Jul 2008 | No Comment

Small and medium scale maps 1:50,000 up to 1:10,000 (possibly 1:5,000 in near future) at most can be replaced by High Resolution Satellite Imagery (HRSI), though we need ground survey of many objects which cannot interpreted from the HRSI. I agree that the cost performance to produce the smaller scale maps with HRSI would be much higher as compared with aerial photogrammetry if the cost of HRSI is not much high…

Jul 2008 | No Comment

A central issue in designing complex networked systems for critical applicative domains is the possibility of keeping each node of the network synchronized with respect to a given system time scale. The problem is even more critical when the synchronization accuracy determines directly the performances of the whole system.

Jul 2008 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

July 2008


International Summer Schoool on GNS


21 – 31 July


Berchtesgaden, Bavaria, Germany

August 2008


ESRI’s 28th annual International User Conference


August 4-8, 2008 in San Diego, California


3rd Indonesian Geo-Information …

Jul 2008 | No Comment

GeoSpatial Experts have introduced an integrated magnetic compass/GPS receiver module for the Ricoh 500SE digital camera It had a sole built-in GPS receiver, which enabled the camera to acquire the location coordinates of each photo and embed them with the photo as an attribute without an external GPS device.

Jul 2008 | No Comment


Satellite technology to aid fishermen in India
The Indian Remote Sensing Applications Centre at Hyderabad has been giving readings of the remote sensing satellite to all the fishing harbors to help the fishermen to track the fish shoals. The system works on the …

Jul 2008 | No Comment

Australia is looking to GPS and inertial sensor technologies as the basis for a modernized train management system, using Lockheed Martin to help develop it. The company has received a US$74.8 million contract from the Australian Rail Track Corporation Ltd. for the proofof-concept phase of the Advanced Train Management System (ATMS).