
Sep 2016 | No Comment

The majority of telephony service subscribers in the City of Maputo – Mozambique’s capital and largest city – are from mobile networks. However, the level of Quality of Service (QoS) and mobile coverage offered by current licensed carriers remains a challenge in peri-urban areas, which are areas with mixed rural and urban features with a lack of urban attributes such as accessibility, services, infrastructure, etc…

Apr 2016 | No Comment

A well-functioning cadastre is essential for securing rights in land and property, wealth generation, and contributing to better land and environmental management…

Mar 2016 | No Comment

To better prepare for and respond to national emergencies, the Department of Homeland Security in the US needed to adopt new technologies that facilitated community collaboration..

Mar 2016 | No Comment

The modern cadastre cannot be considered without mentioning issues related to the SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) and SES (Spatially Enabled Society)…

Feb 2016 | No Comment

Vol. XII, Issue 2, February 2016

Jan 2016 | No Comment

In this paper, I would like to discuss the current situation of the working environment for young surveyors based on the contents of such reports…

Nov 2015 | One Comment

Survey Department, under the Ministry of Land Reform and Management, is the National Mapping Organization (NMO) of Nepal. The Department is responsible…

Nov 2015 | One Comment

The number of people living in informal settlements around the world is difficult to measure precisely, but some estimates put it at close to one billion, or almost one…

Oct 2015 | One Comment

Nasarawa State is one of the thirty six (36) federating states of Nigeria. It was created in 1996 and is located in the north central part of the country…

Oct 2015 | No Comment

The Statement 1 of the FIG Brochure ‘Cadastre 2014’ stipulates Cadastre 2014 will show the complete legal situation of land including public rights and restrictions.