Articles in the Surveying Category

We can learn and accomplish a great deal when female land intermediaries work hand-in-hand with chartered surveyors
Emem Isang
Women In Surveying (WIS), Nigeria
Anne Girardin
Cadasta, USA
Madaleine Weber
Cadasta, USA
Land administration is generally the responsibility of governments. But in emerging economies, the lack of financial and human resources prevent many governments from building and maintaining comprehensive land registries and …

This study explores the existing CORS network particularly the Greater Accra CORS to know the extent of its usage for GPS surveys in Ghana and to determine its usefulness in ensuring uniform and homogenous data collection
Surv. Sebastian Botsyo (MGhIS)
Ghana School of Surveying and Mapping, Cantonments, Accra, Ghana
Geomatic Engineer, Volta River Authority, Ghana
Senior …