Articles in the Articles Category

Nov 2006 | Comments Off on India heads for a regional navigation satellite system

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has taken up a project called Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) for the establishment of an independent regional navigational infrastructure. The system main objective is to provide high positional accuracy (comparable to the existing constellations) real time position, velocity and time for various users in the region. IRNSS services will be available on a 24x7x365 basis irrespective of the availability of other constellations over Indian airspace. The system leverages the technological competence of ISRO in satellite, ground and other critical technologies

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on Everest returns to India (1830 to 1839)
oct 1

After his extended sick leave Everest reached India …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on Setting standards



Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India has recently expressed concern over the ‘decline …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on A much needed initiative

NEGeo 2006: A report

NEGeo 2006 …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on 25 and counting

Forest Survey of India which was created in June 1981 …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on Geospatial Databases for Sustainable Development


“Create synergy between the science and application of …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on ‘Work together for managing disasters‘

“No one can hold back the power of nature. But globally …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on GPS based control points for mapping

To carry out the infrastructural development in any area, topographical maps (accurate, reliable and updated) of that area are of vital important. Topographic maps are also important aids for administrative and strategic planning, disaster mitigation, socioeconomic development and other related activities. In order to prepare topographic map, it is prerequisite to have grid coordinates as well as elevations of control points.

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on “We continuously invest in latest technology”

Says Flemming Lindholm, Regional Sales Manager-Europe, Asia …

Oct 2006 | Comments Off on “GNSS technology has evolved as a necessary utility”

Says Michael Lindsay, Chief Operating Officer, NavCom Technology …