
Aug 2014 | No Comment

NovAtel has announced a promotion for existing customers for the company’s recently launched NovAtel CORRECT with TerraStar PPP subscription service. Customers using NovAtel legacy equipment (OEMV generation receivers or earlier) or NovAtel’s current OEM6 technology qualify for the following offers

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The Federal Communications Commission, USA plans to issue the largest fine in its history against C.T.S. Technology Co., Limited, a Chinese electronics manufacturer and online retailer, for allegedly marketing 285 models of signal jamming devices to U.S. consumers for more than two years…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The FAA is unlikely to meet its 2015 deadline for integrating UAVs into the National Airspace System, according to a report by the Department of Transportation’s Office.

Aug 2014 | No Comment

Supergeo Technologies has announced the investment plan in advanced geographic network applications. The technology collaboration is conducted by Supergeo and the Department of Geography, National Taiwan University, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. The academiaindustry project mainly focuses on the production of geographic network analysis module to increase the coverage of GIS applications…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

NNG and Ayana Navigation Solutions have announced scalable navigation solutions for OEMs in India, thus proving that factory-fitted navigation is available for car owners of all categories. India is becoming a fast-growing market for affordable cars. Within the next six years globally, the share of total production accounted for by low-cost vehicles is set to climb to around 20 percent.

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The Early Proof of Concept (EPOC) team has successfully tracked the encrypted Galileo E6-B and E6-C signals broadcast by Galileo satellites. As a result, the Commercial Service loop has been closed using both encrypted and non-encrypted signals.

Aug 2014 | No Comment

Turkey, in the 1980s communications satellites were purchased. In 1989, a tender was floated for the first communications satellite project. Following this development, the French Aerospatiale company on December 21, 1990 signed the ‘Turkish National Satellite Communication System Agreement’ with Turkey…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The following are the parameters on which the accuracy of the DGPS depends- LB, OT, number of visible satellites (affects geometry), relative geometry of satellites and change in geometry and Signal to noise ratio (SNR) of received satellite signals. Joao et al 2010 had investigated the DGPS…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

The set of satellite systems for global navigation that are functioning or are expected to be launched in the future, in English are called GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems), whereas in Albanian it will be SSNG (Sistemi satelitor për navigim global). This system allows determining the position in the whole globe…

Aug 2014 | No Comment

Courseware, which is centered on a computer, is a kind of modern teaching technology based on digital processing techniques and audio-visual technology. Courseware can store, transmit, process, convert and search teaching materials by integrating a variety of media information such as words, voice and images and so on, according to teachers’ teaching design[1-3]. Courseware is able to improve the effect of teaching because…