Articles in the Perspective Category

The global market for GNSS will grow significantly over the next decade, reaching some about €244 billion for the enabled GNSS market in 2020. GNSS market forecasting is of great interest to private and public GNSS stakeholders, for business and strategic planning and policymaking. According to the 2010 GNSS Market Monitoring report published by The European GNSS Agency (GSA), the global market for GNSS will grow significantly over the next decade, reaching some €244 billion for the enabled GNSS market in 2020. Delivery of GNSS devices will exceed one billion per year by 2020. Mobile location based services (LBS) and Road will be the market sectors with the highest revenue generation.

The global smartphone market grew at exponential rates over the last years, and analysts predict very high growth in the years to come, indicating that these devices are making their way from a niche existence to mass adoption. Standard on most smartphones phones are GPS receivers, big screens and processing power that meets the standards of early laptops. These conditions are perfect for running GPS applications that turn smartphones…

On the back of recent announcements by Google and Nokia signaling their intentions to provide free turn-by-turn satellite navigation as applications on their smart phone devices, it is more clear than ever that the satellite navigation industry is on the brink of experiencing drastic changes. Once an industry dominated almost entirely…
A household name with its ever pervading presence on the internet, Google has revolutionised our lives. Their ever increasing bouquet of offerings and services has had an impact on net users across the world. Google follows its own core principles and has been able to play a pivotal role in information access across many parts of the world…

It is sometimes suggested that spatial data is just another form of data that can now be maintained in a data base and that in reality there is nothing “special about spatial”. Nothing could be further from the truth. For example spatial data is not the same as integer, alphanumeric or symbolic data for a number of reasons. These are: spatial data is scale dependent: do I query for 37.3N 45.2W..or? spatial queries are endemically computationally expensive…

Till almost early seventies, Survey of India was synonymous with the surveying profession in India. That situation does not exist any more. The reason is not far to find out… Many new organizations, have carved out their own niche in the domain of the surveying and mapping. These new entities have been generally propelled either by the new technology eg satellite imagery or due to unmet demand of a particular type of information – example, Forest Survey of India…

Contrary to the gloomy economic picture painted by the financial pundits at the end of 2008, the reactions to the global economic slowdown are mixed in the survey equipment industry in India. The growth in the survey industry has been fuelled by the spate of infrastructure projects in the country and may well ride out the economic slowdown wave without feeling the pinch much feel the players in the industry…

Over the last few years we have seen significant, global, often disruptive, change in the technological and social environment within which National Mapping Organisations (NMOs) operate. These changes will continue to have profound effects on both: the way geographic information (GI) is captured, managed, traded and used; and the role and function of national mapping agencies…

In this article students from around the globe were canvassed on their views on their studies in geomatics and GNSS. Interesting commentaries and views were received from twelve students. There were a number of common threads that run through their views and these include the major challenges of costs of equipment and software, distinctions between geomatic education, training and research, beyond space, time…

I am not sure if new technologies like Google Earth are disruptive. People have often spoken about Google and Micorsoft being disruptive. It may be true in certain context.If you see the natural evolution the geospatial industry in last twenty years, I think that both have put many elements in a place in a form that has a widespread appeal. I think it has increased people’s awareness in geospatial information, certainly in the mass market. Actually, five or ten years before there was not much demand but with the involvement of big companies, much bigger footprints are now available. It surely has increased awareness.