Articles in the Articles Category
According to the reports published recently, ISRO plans to put an Indian in space by 2014 …
November 2006
Southeast Asian Geography Association Conference (NIE-SEAGA) 2006
28-30 November, Singapore
December 2006
The …

The Basic role of a Hydrographic Office’s (HO) is to provide essential hydrographic Services to support safe and efficient navigation and promote national maritime development for the nation. In recent years HOs all over the world are playing leading role in development of Electronic Navigational Charts for marine community so that vessels can navigate safely on their voyage across oceans.

The GPS is a ubiquitous tool on the planet today. Its ability to pinpoint a person’s position on the globe, and store information about that location has been one of the most significant contributions to society in the latter Twentieth Century. Currently, the systematic collection of geospatial attribute data is limited to very expensive GPS receivers and specially trained personnel. The general procedure for collecting geospatial attributes with the consumer-grade GPS has required the use of “add-ons”, such as hand-held computers, laptops and palm pilots. These add-ons are frequently outside of the financial and technical reach of many communities, organizations and under funded agencies. The protocols and procedures presented here are designed to modify and merge existing methods and technologies to overcome these financial and technical barriers.

Spatial data is the fuel for 3D Applications, but all too often the fuel supplied is inappropriate. The software applied and expertise required when modelling a flood event or predicting a cityscape’s lineof-site is exactly the same using highly precise data as it is for generalised data. The difference is in how well that analysis relates to the real world … i.e. whether the analysis is correct or not. Conversely, supplying highly accurate or dense data to a generalised analysis can cost both time and money which is not reflected in the final product. Hence the word of this paper is: appropriate. Apply the most appropriate data to your application. There is nothing wrong with “approximate” or “inexpensive” 3D data, as long as it is appropriate for the level of analysis being performed.

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has taken up a project called Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) for the establishment of an independent regional navigational infrastructure. The system main objective is to provide high positional accuracy (comparable to the existing constellations) real time position, velocity and time for various users in the region. IRNSS services will be available on a 24x7x365 basis irrespective of the availability of other constellations over Indian airspace. The system leverages the technological competence of ISRO in satellite, ground and other critical technologies
Dr Manmohan Singh, Prime Minister of India has recently expressed concern over the ‘decline …