Articles in the Articles Category


Dec 2007 | No Comment

A report of the first meeting in Bangalore, 4 September 2007

The International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) met in Bangalore, India, from 4 to 7 September, 2007, to review and discuss Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and their promising applications. The ICG addressed the use of the applications to promote the enhancement of …

Nov 2007 | No Comment

JAPAN International Coorperation Agency (JICA) initiated RS course once a year since 1978FY with full sponsorship to invite 10-15 trainees per year from developing countries. JICA expanded to mapping & surveying, hydrographic survey, GIS etc. However JICA has changed the policy to introduce partially e-learning system in 2004 to improve the cost-efficiency. The reason is that the cost to invite a person from a developing country used to be 10,000 US dollars per month in average. JICA plans to expand JICA NET, a telephone-line based communication system to about 30 developing countries to enable TV conferences between Japan and developing countries.

Nov 2007 | No Comment

UNIVERSITI Putra Malaysia (UPM) formerly known as Universiti Pertanian Malaysia was founded in 1971 through the merger of Faculty of Agriculture, University Malaya and Agriculture College in Serdang, State of Selangor. Since then UPM has evolved to become one of the leading universities in agriculture and science in Malaysia.

Nov 2007 | No Comment

Azmi Hassan, Mustafa Din Subari

With our universities and numerous polytechnics offering Geomatic program, more is expected from them

Azmi Hassan

Center for Technology Policy & International Studies,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,Malaysia

Mustafa Din Subari

Center for Technology Policy & International Studies,

Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,Malaysia

THERE seems to be numerous GNSS education and training programs around locally, with government’s institutions and agencies taking the …

Nov 2007 | No Comment

November 2007
27th INCA International Congress
Visakhapatnam, India. 21-23 Nov 2007

Nov 2007 | No Comment

JUPEM is working in tune with new technologies. One of the biggest project is e-Cadastre project. The project has started this year and will be completed by the end of next year. The project envisages a complete digital cadastral database of high quality and integrity. For this purpose, advance techniques and methodologies have been employed like GPS etc.

Nov 2007 | No Comment

According to various reports, a significant number of graduates
in India are not suitable for employment.
This is not a happy state of affairs;
We have an education system that is inadequate for skill development.

Nov 2007 | Comments Off on Determination of lag-time in kinematic GPS recording

Since the staring of GPS, many researchers have investigated its application in aerial photogrammetry. Today, with the full constellation of 24 GPS satellites operational, enabling excellent satellite geometry any time of the day, the need to apply the full potential of GPS for real time aircraft navigation and photogrammetric mapping can be realized. The use of GPS to determine relative positional data for ground control points in a photogrammetric block adjustment is widely accepted and practiced. The camera exposure station coordinates derived by Airborne Kinematic GPS drastically reduces, the number of horizontal and vertical control points needed in aerial triangulation.

In large-scale mapping, the accuracy level of control data required is very high. The lag in time between the camera exposure and the GPS epoch recording in the GPS receiver is critical in deriving accurate coordinates for the exposure station (principal point) coordinates. Due to delay in the electronic transfer of data from camera clicking to GPS receiver in recording the event makes the Lag in time to occur. To meet the high accuracy requirements for the largescale photography and mapping projects the lag in GPS recording time should be derived and applied. In this study, an attempt is made to compute the Lag-time in airborne kinematic GPS derived exposure stations from aerial triangulation.

Aerial triangulation is carried in Digital Photogrammetry work station with conventional method of using ground control points, and the exposure station coordinates are derived. Lag-time is computed by finding difference in coordinates of exposure stations derived from conventional aerial triangulation and from airborne kinematic GPS. The results of this project will help to improve the locational accuracy of GPS derived exposure stations in aerial triangulation.

Aerial photography is carried out in the study area on 1:6000 scale with forward overlap at 60% and lateral overlap at 20% using RMK TOP30/23 camera. During aerial photography the airborne GPS is operated to record the exposure coordinates.

The computer controlled navigation system (CCNS) is loaded with flight planning data from World Wide Mission Planning (WWMP). During aerial photography CCNS takes coordinates of aircraft position from navigation system and navigate pilot for alignment as per flight plan. Based on navigation coordinates, CCNS sends signals to camera for exposure. The camera exposure system is connected to Trimble 4000 SSI dual frequency GPS system on board, which records GPS data continuously at 1.0sec sampling rate. During the camera exposure, camera system sends signal to the onboard GPS system, which record each exposure as an event marker in the GPS

Oct 2007 | Comments Off on The Technology Limits



Last month, New York witnessed cab drivers’ strike.
A protest against a city rule that cabs be equipped with GPS.
Popular contention among others is that GPS is overly intrusive.
It might be possible that such protests are driven by vested interests.
Nonetheless, the privacy issues cannot be ignored.
Many feel that technology is spilling into the zone of …

Oct 2007 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

October 2007


9th South-East Asian Survey Congress


28 October – 2 November, Christchurch, New Zealand


Nav 07


30 Oct 2007 -01 Nov 2007,

November 2007


IMTA (Asia Pacific) Annual Conference & Trade Show 2007


November 2 – 3, Gold Coast, Australia,


International Symposium and Exhibition on Geoinformation & International Symposium on GPS/GNSS


05 – 07 Nov 2007, Johar Bahru, Malaysia


Trimble Dimensions 2007


November …