Articles in the Articles Category

In this article, the results obtained assessing the Galileo HAS performance at high latitudes in a period of intense ionospheric activity during the ongoing 25th solar cycle are presented
Melania Susi
Ph.D. in Engineering Surveying and Space Geodesy from the University of Nottingham, UK, where she was also a Marie Curie fellow. After being a scientific technical …
September 2023
Commercial UAV Expo
5-7, September 2023
Las Vegas, USA
ION GNSS+ 2023
11-15 September
Denver, Colorado, USA
European Lidar Conference (ELC)
13 – 15 September
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
DroneX Trade Show & Conference 2023
26-27 Septembe
London, United …

The GPS-aided GEO augmented navigation (GAGAN) –
The Indian satellite based augmentation system (SBAS),
Has widely been used in aviation since its inception.
However, the applications in non-aviation segments
Such as railways, surveys, marine, disaster management, LBS, research …
Have been not only been encouraged but also publicised time to time
Like Real Time Train Information System, Gagan Message Service (GAMES) …

This work illustrates implementation using the simple architecture of a star tracker camera. Known as CROSS, the technology is a new navigation tool in development by the University of Sydney
Joshua J.R. Critchley-Marrows
The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Xiaofeng Wu
The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia
Iver H. Cairns
The University of Sydney, Sydney NSW 2006, …

The study provides an assessment of GAGAN services for APV-I and APVII over the Indian territory. Satellite error bounds and ionospheric error bounds are analyzed as the main contributing integrity parameters.
Narayan Dhital
Actively involved to support international collaboration in GNSSrelated activities. He has mainly supported and contributed to different workshops of the International Committee on GNSS …

A traditional perception of a black-box GNSS receiver served for the GNSS PNT has dramatically evolved into a completely novel concept of distributed GNSS Positioning-as-a-Service, utilising the latest developments in computer science, mathematics, and statisticsA traditional perception of a black-box GNSS receiver served for the GNSS PNT has dramatically evolved into a completely novel concept …
September 2023
Commercial UAV Expo
5-7, September 2023
Las Vegas, USA
ION GNSS+ 2023
11-15 September
Denver, Colorado, USA
European Lidar Conference (ELC)
13 – 15 September
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
DroneX Trade Show & Conference 2023
26-27 Septembe
London, United …

It feels like being inside an oven,
With erratic temperature setting,
Being roasted – slowly and slowly.
The frequent heat waves engulfing the globe,
From Algeria, China, Morocco to Portugal, Spain, Thailand, the USA…
Will have inevitable multi-dimensional cascading effects
On health, livelihood, agriculture, economy, …
Where poor and vulnerable facing the major …

A case for solid waste management in university of Nigeria, ENUGU campus. The dynamics in demographics certainly demand more proactive approaches in solid waste management
Ifeanyi Edwin Ihemeje
Department of Estate Management, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria
Nonso Izuchukwu Ewurum
Department of Estate Management, University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN), Nigeria
Kenechi Peter Ifeanacho
Department of Estate Management, University of Nigeria …

In this paper we proposed a model and a Proof of Concept imple-mentation on how to integrate blockchain technologies to land administration system that relies on ISO 19152:2012 Land Administration Domain Model
Attoumane Tahar
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Dakar, Dakar, Sénégal
Gervais Mendy
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar Dakar, Dakar, Sénégal
Samuel Ouya
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de …