Dec 2019 | No Comment

SPARC – SBAS simulation platform for authentication reliable concepts
The European Commission is exploring the possibility of improving the security of the SBAS service. SBAS data is currently trusted by end users, even if the navigation data (and signals) are not protected. The objective of the SPARC project is to identify a viable solution to …

Dec 2019 | No Comment

Integration of mapping technology into elections systems
National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) has been awarded $300,000 by the bipartisan Democracy Fund Voice organization for the second phase of NSGIC’s Geo-Enabled Elections project. This continues a national effort by state government geospatial information officers and coordinators to work with other state agencies, local elections officials …

Dec 2019 | 6 Comments

This report presents ten case studies on LRS ASD approaches – 6 where PPP has been fully adopted; two outright rejections (one of which also considered full privatization); and two which have adopted alternative approaches…

Dec 2019 | No Comment

The Northern Territory (NT) has been able to introduce innovative digital survey and cadastral management for Land Administration….

Dec 2019 | No Comment

Within the “Tarquinia Project” and the “Centro di Ricerca Coordinato”, involving different groups of the Università degli Studi di Milano (Archaeology, Computer Science and Communication, Geoarchaeology, Palaeoanthropology)…

Nov 2019 | No Comment

Volume XV, Issue 11, November 2019



Recent activity of international standardization for high-accuracy GNSS correction service

Rui Hirokawa

Remote Sensing for air pollution control

A K Jain

Global experiences with public private partnerships for land registry services: A critical review

Keith Clifford Bell

My Coordinates


His Coordinates

Peter Teunissen



Mark your calendar

November 2019 to October 2020



Advertisers …

Nov 2019 | No Comment

November 2019

International Navigation Conference 2019

18 – 21 November Edinburgh, Scotland


November 28-29, 2019 Hanoi, Vietnam.

December 2020

Amsterdam Drone Week

4-6 December 2019

International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG)

8 – 13 December Bengaluru, India

International Workshop on ‘Capacity building and Education Outreach in Advanced Geospatial Technologies and Land Management’

10 – 11 December, 2019 Dhulikhel, Nepal

39th INCA International …

Nov 2019 | No Comment


Gasp Chamber
With air quality at dangerous level
This time around air pollution in Delhi
Led to health emergency.
Several desperate measures were taken,
Banned on construction activities,
Plying of vehicles with odd-even numbers on odd and even dates
Schools closed for few days,
Alas! not with desired results.
The Supreme Court of India fumes,
Governments scramble for actions, politicians blame each other,
And the saga …

Nov 2019 | No Comment

Professor Peter Teunissen

shares his views on a wide range of subjects related to GNSS

Professor Peter Teunissen has recently received Johannes Kepler Award from ION for his influential and groundbreaking contributions to the algorithmic foundations of satellite navigation and sustained dedication to the global education of next generation of navigation engineers ( awards/2019- Kepler.cfm ). He …