
May 2009 | Comments Off on NLRMP: mission possible

On August 21, 2008 the cabinet approved the proposal of the Department of Land Resources (DoLR), Ministry of Rural Development to merge two existing centrally sponsored schemes and replace them with the modifi ed scheme of National Land Records Modernization Program (NLRMP). The two schemes being merged are the Strengthening of Revenue Administration & Updating of Land Records (SRA&ULR) and Computerization of Land Records (CLR).

May 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING

RISAT – ISRO’s SAR satellite, launched
ISRO’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C12), on April 20, 2009 successfully placed two satellites – RISAT-2 and ANUSAT – in the desired orbit. RISAT-2 is a Radar Imaging Satellite with the capability to take images of the earth during day and night as well as cloudy conditions. This satellite will enhance ISRO’s capability for earth observation, especially during disaster management. ANUSAT, built by Anna University, Chennai is the first experimental communication satellite built by an Indian University under the guidance of ISRO and will demonstrate the technologies related to message store and forward operations.

May 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

EXPRESSMaps delivers detailed maps in 6 hours
Spot Image and Infoterra are launching to deliver detailed basemaps covering over three quarters of the Earth’s land surfaces. This service creates 1:50000 basemaps, which can be delivered electronically in just 6 hours. It is mainly aimed at civil protection agencies, military and humanitarian aid teams in crisis management situations.

May 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GPS

China launches navigation satellite
China launched Beidou-2 (or Compass- G2) – their second geostationary navigation satellite recently. The Compass constellation comprises 31 satellites – 27 MEO satellites and 4 geostationaries. BeiDou-2 is reported to have a lifespan of 8 years. The first phase of the project will provide coverage for Chinese territory – ultimately giving global cover.

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – UPDATE

Galileo and China’s Compass argue over frequencies
The Christian Science Monitor reports that China’s insistence on using the same radio frequency as Galileo may render some features of the European system unusable in the event of a crisis. China’s membership of “Galileo,” has soured to the point where the two sides are locked in a dispute over radio frequencies, as China races ahead with its own network of satellites. Without an agreement, China would be able to frustrate European military forces’ efforts to deny a future enemy crucial satnav capability. http://survapedia. com/2009/03/galileo-china-argue/

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

April 2009


GEO Siberia 2009


21-23 April


Novosibirsk, Russian


Defence Geospatial Intelligence Middle East


26 – 29 April



May 2009


ENC-GNSS 2009 )


3-6 May


Naples, Italy


International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems


25-27 May


Saint Petersburg, …

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on Taking geomatics to greater heights in India

Till almost early seventies, Survey of India was synonymous with the surveying profession in India. That situation does not exist any more. The reason is not far to find out… Many new organizations, have carved out their own niche in the domain of the surveying and mapping. These new entities have been generally propelled either by the new technology eg satellite imagery or due to unmet demand of a particular type of information – example, Forest Survey of India…

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on Calibration method of IMU based only accelerometers

Because of the MEMS inertial sensors being more and cheaper, most studies focus on their applications. It is known that the simple principle and construction of the MEMS accelerometer make it is possible to improve the performance of MEMS accelerometers faster than that of gyros, so most efforts are done to use only the linear accelerometers forming the IMU called IMU-BA which has the potential market in the land and air navigation system, such as the car…

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on Volume V, Issue 4, April 2009
May issue

Exploring the moon in three dimension
P K Srivastava, B Gopala Krishna and Amitabh
A sensor architecture for high precision UAS navigation
Luca Garbarino, Vittorio Di Vito, Ettore De Lellis, Carmine Marrone, Federico Corraro
Calibration Method of IMU Based only accelerometers
Wu Junwei
Taking Geomatics to greater heights in India
P Misra

Apr 2009 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING

GeoEye sign reseller contracts. Beijing Earth Observation reseller in China

GeoEye, Inc. has signed agreements with several international resellers to provide high-resolution, satellite imagery and value-added products from its new GeoEye-1 Earth-imaging satellite to customers in China, Middle East, Turkey and Russia. Beijing Earth Observation, China has signed a new agreement with GeoEye to receive data from the GeoEye-1.