Dec 2013 | Comments Off on IMAGING

RADARSAT-2 DEM for the Malaysian Government
MDA’s Information Systems Group (MDA) has signed a contract with Sky-Shine Corporation of Malaysia to deliver over 52,000 square kilometers of digital elevation products using space-based imagery from RADARSAT-2 acquired during 2013 and 2014. MDA will deliver the completed digital elevation products for an area in Peninsular Malaysia as part …

Dec 2013 | No Comment

The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has published an Open Positioning Framework (OPF) which is a set of standards and protocols which will help reduce the time and costs involved in developing and deploying Mobile Positioning and Analytics Services (MPAS) and enable more businesses in various sectors to reap the benefits of location-based services.

Dec 2013 | No Comment

In the last two decades, Kenya has faced a rising degree of vulnerability to the risk of disaster. Risk is the probability of a hazard turning into a disaster, with households or communities being affected in such a manner that their lives and livelihoods are seriously disrupted beyond their capacity to cope or withstand using their own resources…

Dec 2013 | No Comment

GPS Precise Point Positioning (PPP) technique has attracted many users due to its lower cost and comparable precision to the differential technique. A drawback of a single GNSS system, however, is the availability of sufficient number of visible satellites in urban areas.

Dec 2013 | One Comment

There is a growing emphasis on sustainable management of natural resources and preservation of environment due to the realization that these are vital to our socio- economic development. Citizens have to be provided with better quality of life, health care and education.

Dec 2013 | No Comment

The European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS) is Europe’s first venture into satellite navigation, providing an augmentation signal to the Global Positioning System (GPS) Standard Positioning Service (SPS). It has been a long way for Europe, since the beginning of the EGNOS programme in the late 90’s, culminated with the declaration of availability of the three EGNOS Services:

Nov 2013 | Comments Off on Vol. IX, Issue 11, November 2013

Vol. IX, Issue 11, November 2013



Multi-GNSS positioning campaign in South-East Asia

Tung Hai Ta, Duc Minh Truong, Tu Thanh Thi Nguyen, Thuan Dinh Nguyen, Hieu Trung Tran, Gustavo Belforte

A solution to map project area lying in two UTM zones

Suddhasheel Ghosh, Bharat Lohani, Ajay Dashora

Do more satellites lead to a better integrity performance? …

Nov 2013 | No Comment

November 2013

NSDI India

29 – 30 November 2013

IIT Bombay, India

December 2013

5th Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNSS

1 – 3 December 2013

Hanoi, Vietnam

ION Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting (PTTI)

2 – 5 December

Bellevue, WA, United States


4th International Colloquium Scientific and Fundamental Aspects
of the Galileo Programme

4 – 6 December

Prague, Czech Republic

6th European Workshop on GNSS Signals and Signals …

Nov 2013 | No Comment

World Space Week (WSW) is the largest public space event on Earth celebrated by more than 65 nations during 04- 10 October every year since 1999 under the declaration on United Nations…

Nov 2013 | No Comment

INSPIRE stands for Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe. It is a European framework legislation that aims to create a European Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) that is built on the top on National SDI developed and operated by the European Member States…