Metadata is commonly defined as “data about data” and also plays a critical role in any Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) initiatives. Metadata not only provides users of spatial data with information about the purpose, quality, actuality and accuracy of spatial datasets, but also performs vital functions that make spatial data interoperable, that is, capable of being shared between systems…
Vol. VI, Issue 2, Feb 2010
Defining civil PNT requirements
John W Lavrakas
MISSION 2020: Land Titling Project
P Misra
GNSS support to canine search and rescue
José Caro and Manuel Prieto
Fuzzy strong tracking unscented
Kalman filter
Dah-Jing Jwo, Fong-Chi Chung and Shih-Yao Lai
My Coordinates
Land administration for sustainable development
The First Asia Oceania Regional Workshop, Survey camp
The Global Positioning System(GPS) (Brown and Hwang 1997; Farrell and Barth 1999; Gelb 1974) and inertial navigation system (INS) have complementary operational characteristics and the synergy of both systems has been widely explored. An integrated GPS/INS system is typically carried out through the extended Kalman filter (EKF). The EKF is the approximate nonlinear filters which linearizes the system…
Consider the scenario, date 1.1.2020: “Mr. A buys property in Meerut, city in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India from Mr. B in Dec 2019. The ownership-title that Mr. B is the Owner, is guaranteed by the Government Registrar. As a matter of fact, all the properties with the names of their owner are recorded centrally in the computer in the office of Land Survey Department of UP. The location like trees and wells, etc are all photographed on an aerial photograph…
Today, the civil positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT) community needs a clear and concise statement of PNT needs. This statement should incorporate all aspects of PNT services and all applications and modes of PNT use. With such a statement, providers of PNT technology and services will be better able to plan for, develop, and implement their PNT services. While I offer my thoughts on this need for the United States, the arguments…
Indian Institute of Surveying and Mapping (IISM) is the country’s premier institution for human resources development in the realm of surveying and mapping in its modern incarnation. IISM recognizes that the cutting edge in the process of development is information dissemination. Hence, its efforts of generating awareness among various organization and training its manpower in modern trends in Surveying & Mapping like GPS, Total Station,…
Almost 20 years ago, as a Surveyor in private practice, and as someone who had a passing interest in politics, I presented a paper at a surveying conference, titled “Surveying the Political Landscape. At the time I had no ambition to stand for political office as I was more than fully occupied with my Surveying and Mapping business which was busy adopting new technologies such as Geographic Information Systems and Global Positioning Systems…
Report on 3rd Land Administration Forum 24-26 May 2009-Tehran, Iran
The UN sponsored Permanent …