From times immemorial, the cities, agriculture and culture evolved along the rivers. Among various Delhi’s, Shahjahanabad (17th Century), was built along the river Yamuna, a 1370 km long river emanating from the Himalayas and merging into the River Ganga at Prayag. However, with indiscriminate urbanisation River Yamuna in Delhi…
18th century fort brought to Life with LiDAR and 3D Modeling
A Canadian archaeologist has used advanced mapping and visualization technologies to bring one of the earliest European settlements in North America back to life. Dr. Jonathan Fowler combined a centuries-old map with a modern 3D terrain model to portray Fort Anne and its surrounding …

Volume XVI, Issue 12, December 2020
GREENPATROL: A Galileo Enhanced Solution for Pest Detection and Control in Greenhouses with Autonomous Service Robots
Michael Pattinson, Smita Tiwari, María Camp o-Cossio, Raúl Arnau, David Obregón, Aitor Gutierrez, Iker Lluvia, Jon Martin, Oscar Rey, Dalibor Huska, Libor Lenža, Olga Kryštofová, Tamm e van der Wal, Bauke Abma, Jeroen
Verschoore and Joaquin …

With accelerated urbanization, the growing cities have been created more complex forms of multi-owned buildings. The complicated ownership rights and boundary arrangement within these properties are resulting in a significant number of disputes. As part of ongoing research, this article explores BIM as a new opportunity to prevent and resolve property disputes.
Jihye Shin
PhD Candidate, Centre …

Volume XV, Issue 9, September 2019
Blockchain as a technological solution in land administration – What are current barriers to
Galileo outage – Reliability is a key factor for GNSS
Geo-spatial techniques: An Instrument For Regional Planning
September 2019
24 – 27 September
Florence, Italy
October 2019
The 8th FIG Land Administration Domain Model Workshop (LADM 2019)
4th …