January 2024  

Intermediary Cities: Planning with Nature, People and Technology A K Jain | Land administration and Geospatial information hard talk: Reviewing the posted comments Dr. Anthony Beck, Vladimir V. Evtimov and Dr. Keith Clifford Bell | GNSS constellation specific monthly analysis summary: December 2023 Narayan Dhital | Spin axis David Learmount | Galileo HAS will be the most significant game- changer for mobile GIS users Jean-Yves | Future Advanced Air Mobility – The next big challenge for GNSS & GeoSpatial Industries Graeme Hooper | INTERVIEW Nikolaus Studnicka


Intermediary Cities: Planning with Nature, People and Technology
A K Jain
This paper suggests adoption of five-year strategic plans for intermediary cities by focusing on the nature (climate, air, water and greens), the people (socio- economic, gender, informal sector, circular economy, culture, education, health, mobility, community participation) and new technologies (digital planning, smart, intelligent and interconnected processes, SCADA, blockchain, discreet optimisation, algorithm, AI, big data, etc.).....


Land administration and Geospatial information hard talk: Reviewing the posted comments
Dr. Anthony Beck, Vladimir V. Evtimov and Dr. Keith Clifford Bell
Coordinates published the Hard Talk interview with an expert panel in the November 2023 issue. What followed was the posting of significant comments and reactions, in response to the interview and to also delve further into the issues raised. This crowdsourcing of opinions produced a substantial document and given the scope and depth of comments, Coordinates felt it would serve the public interest to post a synopsis of the blogger comments and to also seek any reactions from the expert panel......


GNSS constellation specific monthly analysis summary: December 2023
Narayan Dhital
Coordinates starts a regular column on the accuracy assessment of satellite orbits and atomic clocks on board of all GNSS constellations (GPS, Galileo, Glonass, Beidou, QZSS and IRNSS).....


Spin axis
David Learmount
The global industry is preparing to change its navigational heading reference from Magnetic North to True North. This article examines the issues involved, and provides an update on the progress of research into options for managing the transition process......


Galileo HAS will be the most significant game-changer for mobile GIS users
Once it is more widely adopted, we anticipate that various industry professionals will discover additional use cases where Galileo HAS can fill a crucial gap left by SBAS and RTK.....

Future Advanced Air Mobility – The next big challenge for GNSS & GeoSpatial industries
Graeme Hooper
To over come reduced satellite visibility due to terrain and urban obstructions, multi constellation GNSS (GPS, Galileo, Beidou) and possibly 5G navigation sciences will be required......


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