Articles in the Articles Category

Jul 2011 | No Comment

I think this is the right time for a National GIS. There are 2 major reasons why I think so. First, see how as a nation we are tremendously progressing and growing and this will grow manifold in the coming 5-10 years.

Jul 2011 | No Comment

July 2011: Esa International Summer School on Navigation Satellite Systems 2011, 20 – 30 July, Berchtesgaden, Germany, Berchtesgaden, Germany,

Jul 2011 | No Comment

About a decade back, Many data providers of the Government of India Initiated the process of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). And the journey continued and still continues…
Now, a user department of the Government of India (Planning Commission) proposes The establishment of The National GIS.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

A precise digital map is needed to perform lane recognition using carrier-based GNSS position information.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

The paper presents the current and uniform approaches to sailing calculations highlighting recent developments. We published the first part of the paper in May 11. Here we present the concluding part.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

The use of a semi dynamic datum has been well accepted and its implementation and use have been relatively straight forward from a technical and geodetic perspective.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

Says, Mr. Alexander Wiechert , Business Director, Vexcel Imaging GmbH in coversation with Coordinates.The UltraCam was conceived by Vexcel Imaging prior to the acquisition of the company by Microsoft. The organization, now known as the Microsoft UltraCam product group, has a history of leading the industry by innovation.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

June 2011:
2011 Cambridge Conference, 26 June – 1 July,
Winchester, England UK,

Jun 2011 | No Comment

States Run Show:
Russia upholds ban on high resolution data.China cracks down illegal mapping.
South Korea raids Google offices.Demands in Pakistan to ban Google.

May 2011 | No Comment

Adam Weintrit Piotr Kopacz
The geometry of approximating structures implies the calculus essentially, in particular the mathematical formulae in the algorithms applied in the navigational electronic devices and systems. Thus, we place special emphasis on the geometrical base of the subject.