Articles in the Articles Category


Oct 2012 | No Comment

Today global navigation systems have become a part of our everyday life. It is part of many useful things and assisted people in many ways. It is part of the marine, aircraft and traffic issues – from private user up to logistic cooperation. Also it is used in agricultural companies for precise farming as well as for information systems in all kind of tasks like geology, archeology, hydrology and a lot more. In the sector of engineering, it supports and guides the construction machines.

Oct 2012 | No Comment

As of February 2007, a Tide Gauge (TG) was set up in the Pasaia Harbour, in northern Spain (Figure 1). The main reason for such location was the existence of a Permanent GNSS Station and the access to the Internet and electricity in the AZTifacilities 15 m away.

Oct 2012 | No Comment

Imagine a country without any basic administration of land – their key asset. Imagine that tenure to land and property cannot be secured, and that mortgage loans cannot be established as a basis for property improvement. Imagine that the use and development of land is not controlled through overallplanning policies and regulations.

Oct 2012 | No Comment

Esri Malaysia User Conference 2012,
23 & 24 0CTOBER 2012,
PUTRAJAYA, Malaysia,;

Oct 2012 | No Comment

“Geography is our platform for understanding the world,” said Esri president Jack Dangermond in his opening remarks at the 2012 Esri International User Conference, held July 23–27 in San Diego, California, “and GIS makes geography come alive by condensing down data and knowledge into a kind of language that we can easily understand.”

Oct 2012 | No Comment

Ashtech OEM products are intended to help OEM, VAR and Integrators to quickly and easily integrate high-end GNSS positioning and/ or heading/attitude determination into their own application. We do not address specifics vertical markets, our customers do!

Oct 2012 | No Comment

Apple got it wrong.
iPhone 5 maps applications…
Incorrect maps, wrong place, misspelled locations…

Sep 2012 | Comments Off on BeiDou

BeiDou is the Chinese pronunciation of the Big Dipper, which consists of seven stars located exactly at the north sky. Chinese people used BeiDou for identifying directions as long back as the ancient times. They also invented the world’s first navigation device based on terrestrial magnetism, the ancient compass, whose Chinese pronunciation is Sinan.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

The project involves the establishments of a full complement of SBAS consisting of 15 Indian Reference Stations (INRES), 3 Indian Land Up-link Stations (INLUS), 2 Indian Master Control Centers (INMCC), 2 Geo-Stationary Navigation Payloads and with all the associated software and communication links.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

High-performance autonomous pedestrian dead-reckoning (PDR) systems usually include 6 degrees-offreedom (DOF) inertial measurements unit (IMU) to calculate position of the user. These systems don’t rely on GPS signals and preinstalled infrastructure such as RF beacons, Wi-Fi routers, ultrasonic transmitters etc.