Articles in the Articles Category


Apr 2014 | No Comment

Up-to-dateness is a contemporary problem in the realm of cadastres, land registration, and land administration. It is argued that up-to-dateness is closely related…

Apr 2014 | No Comment

Positioning with GPS can be categorized into two broad groups: absolute (single point positioning) and relative (or differential) positioning….

Apr 2014 | No Comment

The project SiNafaR concentrates on surveilling big areas like container harbors with autonomous and heterogonous robots supporting the security staff…

Mar 2014 | No Comment


All SBASs are regional systems.

The need of a seamless transition between SBAS service areas

Not only underlines the importance of adequate cooperation

But also makes issues of compatibility and interoperability critical.

Mar 2014 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR


Mar 2014 | One Comment

Urban Population in India increased from 62 million (19%) in 1951 to 377 million (31%) in 2011, and is expected to increase up to around 37% by 2021.

Mar 2014 | No Comment

The problems in sharing of geospatial data among public sector organizations is a well established fact (Onsrud et. al., 1995; McLaughlin, 2003; Williamson et. al., 2004; Nebert, 2004; Masser, 2005; Georgiadou, 2006; Nama Raj Budhathoki and Zorica Nedovic-Budic

Mar 2014 | No Comment

Satellite navigation relies on the visibility of a sufficient number of satellites. As the number of satellites increases, some problems such as shadowing in urban areas are reduced although not completely removed. In other instances, such as in tunnels, positioning by satellites is not possible.

Mar 2014 | No Comment

From 1992 to 2011, air traffic grew by approximately 72% in Germany [1] which is equivalent to a yearly increase of about 4%. As air traffic continuously increases, ground infrastructure like airports, number of runways and necessary capacity of air traffic routes need to grow too.

Mar 2014 | No Comment

After the recent landmark achievement of certification of Indian SBAS System GAGAN for RNP 0.1 operations, India is hosting two back to back high-level technical meetings i.e. 4th Ionospheric Study Task Force (ISTF/4) under the aegis of ICAO and the 26th Interoperability Working group in New Delhi , providing further impetus to harmonized development of Satellite Based Navigation systems across the world.