Articles in the Articles Category

Jun 2016 | No Comment

Gravity-Aided Inertial Navigation System (GAINS), which, as its names implies, is using the priori information of gravity field as the auxiliary information to bind the accumulation of positioning error…

Jun 2016 | No Comment

In Finland, the Land Information System (the LIS) has for a while already been in a digital format. In recent years, we have developed new maintenance tools that save manpower…

May 2016 | No Comment


May 2016 | No Comment

My Coordinates

May 2016 | No Comment

This year’s Munich Satellite Navigation Summit was held on March 1 – 3, 2016 under the motto: “GNSS – Creating a global village”. About 80 speakers…

May 2016 | 5 Comments

Activities for land administration, cadastral mapping and registration of real property rights in the Republic of Kosovo are priority components for the country’s economic development strategy…

May 2016 | No Comment

In the first semester of 2015, ESSP, the EGNOS service provider, deployed EGNOS System Release (ESR) v2.4.1M. This was a major achievement…

May 2016 | No Comment

New information and communication technologies, along with the economic, financial and political globalisation, the increasing mobility of people and the cultural…

Apr 2016 | No Comment


Apr 2016 | No Comment

Nepal Earthquake