Articles in the Articles Category
US and Australia collaborate to Eehance GPS resilience
Members of the Australian Department of Defence recently joined forces with the Joint Navigation Warfare Center to put GPS devices to the test. The goal was to assess their performance under simulated jamming conditions and enhance their resilience in …

Since 2014, IGN has been monitoring advancements in technology to explore a colour relief printing service for on-demand mapping
François Lecordix
National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information, France
By following advancements in 3D printing technology, IGN explored an inkjet-based relief printing solution proposed by the Océ company in 2015. The initial results were presented at the International …

Digital twins will undoubtedly become a critical requirement for organizations and countries in the future.
Dr Siva Kumar Rachapudi
Managing Director SIBHU
There has been increased interest in Digital Twins (DT) in India, and the growth of startups in this domain is mushrooming. It is pertinent to understand the evolution of these technologies, which requires a comprehensive …

The analysis performed in this report is solely his work and own opinion. State Program: U.S.A (G); EU (E); China (C) “Only MEO- SECM satellites”; Russia (R); Japan (J); India (I)
Narayan Dhital
Actively involved to support international collaboration in GNSSrelated activities. He has regularly supported and contributed to different workshops of the International Committee on GNSS …

We investigate and present results on the propagation characteristics of AGWs associated with the Godzilla SDS event that occurred between 15th and 26th June 2020 over Morocco
Uluma Edward
Department of Physics, Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology, Kakamega, Kenya
Chali Idosa Uga
Department of Space Science, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Alabama, USA Department of Physics, Jimma …
Google Maps makes big change on how users location data is stored
Google Maps remains one of the widely used apps in its segment. In December last year, the company announced to store user’ data on the device instead of the cloud. The change is now rolling out to Google Maps users worldwide. With the location …

The simultaneous worldwide experience of
Blue Screen of Death errors in Windows machines,
And the cascading ramifications of the inter-connected world
Such as grounded planes, impeded hospitals and banks, disrupted emergency services, …
Highlighted the fragility of the supposedly proclaimed robustness of digital infrastructure.
Though the cause led to a flawed security update issued by CrowdStrike,
And that was promptly addressed …
July 2024
Fourteenth Session of UN-GGIM
7 – 9 August 2024
New York, USA
IGS 2024 Workshop
01-05 July in 2024
Bern, Switzerland
Esri User Conference
15-19 July 2024
San Diego, CA, USA
August 2024
ICRSG 2024
21-23 August

Despite the frequent fire incidents, air pollution levels monitored through Sentinel 5P indicate does not present an alarming situation, yet it still deserves early attention
Shashi Shekhar
Scientific Officer, Himachal Pradesh State Pollution Control Board, India
Burning apple twigs and horticultural residues after winter pruning in Himachal Pradesh raises environmental concerns, akin to the infamous Parali burning in …

The article summarizes the uniqueness of the two fields stating definitions, differences, applications, and integration, and stresses a concerted effort to identify them as exclusive of each other
Dr Neeti Neeti
Associate Professor at Center for Climate Change and Sustainability, Azim Premji University
Dr Madhura Niphadkar
Consultant, Ecological Restoration, Wildlife Conservation Trust
Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems are two …