Articles in the Articles Category


Oct 2011 | No Comment

Archaeology reflects the amazing diversity of human life across the globe (Neto, 2000). Archaeological investigations are considered as a principal source of knowledge of prehistoric, ancient, and extinct cultures. In order to reconstruct history, archaeologists rely on all the unearthed evidence, such as man-made objects, which can be as small as tools and ornaments or as large as architectural residues (Xia, 2006). Thus, it is important to explore archaeological contrivance and record them in a systematic way.

Oct 2011 | No Comment

November 2011
The 3rd Asia Oceania Regional Workshop on GNS, 1 – 2 November 2011,
Jeju Island, Korea,

Oct 2011 | No Comment

Land reforms, Will continue to remain a contentious issue. In many parts of the world, That can be driven more by strong political will And sustained commitment.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

With more than 2 500 attendees from 65 countries, the conference started with hands-on training sessions for Intergraph® and Geosystems solutions that offered the opportunity to learn more about the solutions and then apply that knowledge.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

Location Base Services (LBS) is service mechanisms that provides information about the location and take advantage of the location. Global Positioning System (GPS) is one of Devices that inform the position. Mobile phone GPS has the advantage because they can be used also as a means of communication and the completeness of the camera (photo and video) resolution good enough to take photos that have coordinates ((Geo)tagging photo) and can be sent directly to the office for more information .

Sep 2011 | No Comment

The Survey Department of Brunei Darussalam, with the collaboration of the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), has carried out a study on the establishment of a new geodetic framework for the country. A new geocentric datum for Brunei Darussalam 2009 (GDBD2009) was established using GPS space geodetic technology based on the ITRF2005 reference frame. The GDBD2009 is related to ITRF2005 through the inclusion of the 8 GPS stations of the Brunei Darussalam Zero Order Network and have been processed together with more than fifty IGS stations around the world. The realization of GDBD2009 requires the determination of a new datum transformation and map projection scheme. A new set of transformation parameters to be use in converting from the existing local datum to the new GDBD2009 has been computed. The implication of this new datum on the existing cadastral and mapping practices, various GPS non-mapping applications, and the GIS/LIS related applications are taken into consideration.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

What is LightSquared?
LightSquared Subsidiary LLC is a company that plans to provide a wholesale, nationwide 4G-LTE wireless broadband network integrated with satellite coverage. LightSquared will combine existing mobile satellite communications services (formerly known as SkyTerra) with a ground-based wireless communications network that uses the same L-band radio spectrum as the satellites.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

How is Trimble getting ready with the multi-GNSS systems scenario?: Trimble understands that our customers want to purchase receivers today that will benefit from the GNSS signals planned for the future. To keep up with these ongoing changes Trimble’s integrated circuit design team is constantly developing custom chips to be used in our receivers. With many divisions of Trimble utilizing this same core technology the economics of creating a new chip at frequent intervals makes more sense. The latest generation of receiver technology tracks the current Compass navigation demonstration system open service signals and Galileo open service under a license of the European Union and the European Space Agency.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

What is the mandate of National Coordination Office for Space-Based PNT?: The mandate for the National Coordination Office (NCO) is detailed in United States (U.S.) National Policy. Our primary role is to support the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee which convenes at the Deputy Secretary level to advise and coordinate on Space-Based PNT issues affecting multiple departments and agencies. The NCO does not make decisions or create policy. Rather, we serve as the Executive Committee’s Secretariat and execute tasks as directed by them. Specific responsibilities include interagency coordination, consensus development and issue resolution for all matters presented to the Executive Committee. As Director, I represent the Executive Committee on space-based PNT matters within the Government, the public sector, and with representatives of foreign governments and international organizations.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

September 2011:
Geospatial Defence & Intellegence Asia Pacific, 20 – 23 September, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia