Articles in the Articles Category
July 2011: Esa International Summer School on Navigation Satellite Systems 2011, 20 – 30 July, Berchtesgaden, Germany, Berchtesgaden, Germany,
About a decade back, Many data providers of the Government of India Initiated the process of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI). And the journey continued and still continues…
Now, a user department of the Government of India (Planning Commission) proposes The establishment of The National GIS.
Says, Mr. Alexander Wiechert , Business Director, Vexcel Imaging GmbH in coversation with Coordinates.The UltraCam was conceived by Vexcel Imaging prior to the acquisition of the company by Microsoft. The organization, now known as the Microsoft UltraCam product group, has a history of leading the industry by innovation.
June 2011:
2011 Cambridge Conference, 26 June – 1 July,
Winchester, England UK,