Articles in the Mycoordinates Category

When it hit, it hit hard.
The second wave of Covid-19 in India.
Millions infected, hospitals overwhelmed, crumbling health infrastructure, …
Many were struggling – for doctors, medicines, beds in hospitals, oxygen cylinders, cremations,…
With little or no support.
The best was that medical fraternity scrambled to do whatever it could,
And many volunteered to help, to serve, to donate, …
The …

For the civilian use of drones, India has the guidelines in place.
In March 2021, the Ministry of Civil Aviation notified the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules.
Recently, the government has invited bids to use drones for the delivery of Covid-19 vaccines and other medicines for remote areas.
Telangana state government in India engages with Flipkart …

As the Covid-19 virus keep surging again and again,
The world rushes to get vaccinated.
And some saw and see opportunities in many ways,
There are many, who contributed to the crisis,
There are few who rival for credits and occupying market share.
Hence, my vaccine is better than yours!
Though the debate is understandable …

Another feat of human perseverance
When the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
Landed on the surface of Mars on Feb 18,2021
To look for habitability, seek biosignatures, cashing samples and
test oxygen production from the Martian atmosphere.
Equipped with new entry, descent, and landing (EDL) technologies, such as Terrain-Relative Navigation (TRN),
That allows the rover to …

‘What is readily available globally does not need to be regulated’,
So says, the ‘Guidelines for acquiring and producing Geospatial Data and Geospatial Data Services including Maps’ released by the Government of India on Feb 15, 2021.
This has been said many times for the last so many years,
By many who relentlessly kept advocating and demanding
To unleash …

When WhatsApp recently proposed certain changes in their privacy policy in certain parts of the world,
There was an outrage.
And this further has triggered a rush to the possible alternatives, which are just a few.
What purported as empowering,
Technology has entrenched deep in our lives.
And worse, has enslaved us. What we do, what we eat, where we …

As the gloom that has engulfed since last year persists,
And the prolonged agony borders the endurance limit,
The buzz around Covid-19 vaccine naturally enthralls.
Billions await with hope for a dose (or two as reported)
Even though the efficacy of the vaccine is still being tested and optimized.
The experts grapple with distribution strategies, …