Articles in the His Coordinates Category

Dec 2010 | No Comment

Says, Dr Dru Smith, Chief Geodesist of NOAA’s National Geodetic Survey while explaining the GRAV-D project

What is the GRAV-D project?
GRAV-D stands for “Gravity for the Redefinition of the American Vertical Datum”. It is a multi-year project designed and led by the National Geodetic Survey (NGS). GRAV-D was initiated to measure and monitor …

Nov 2010 | No Comment

says Paul Verhoef Programme Manager, EU satellite navigation programme, European
Commission, Brussels, Belgium while emphasising on the difference between Galileo and
other GNSS systems

What is the status update on Galileo and in what stages will it become operational?
We are currently defining our initial operational capability (IOC) in detail.
Initially some services will be available which will not …

Oct 2010 | No Comment

An interview with Charles Branch, Portfolio Manager, Radio products, Pacific Crest Corporation

“The Gold Standard in Communications and Positioning.” What are the efforts that go into maintaining the ‘standard’ at Pacific Crest?
The efforts are towards:
• Increasing range by use of cleaner signal and greater receiver sensitivity
• Increasing operational efficiency by use of smarter protocols
• Increasing throughput by use …

Oct 2010 | No Comment

says Mr. Swarna Subba Rao, Surveyor General of India about the upcoming agenda for Survey of India.

As the Surveyor General of India what are your immediate priorities for Survey of India?
Survey of India is India’s National Survey and Mapping Organisation and is the oldest scientific department of the country. In the years since its establishment …

Aug 2010 | No Comment

says Shri KR Sridhara Murthi, Managing Director, Antrix Corporation with reference to the Indian Remote Sensing Satellite.

What are the added features in CARTOSAT-2B as compared to CARTOSAT-2A? What will be its marketing strategy?
CARTOSAT-2B is an identical satellite of CARTOSAT-2A and is meant for continuity of services. They are not available for commercial distribution. As …

Aug 2010 | One Comment

Says V P Agrawal, Chairman, Airports Authority of India

In what specific areas of operation is AAI using the GPS technology today?
GPS Technology is used in AAI in the following areas:
a. Performance Based Navigation- Area Navigation COSPAS-SARSAT –Search and Rescue systems (satellite based)
b. Land Survey and Land Management
c. Preparation of Airport Maps and Charts – Cartography
Please …

Aug 2010 | No Comment

Says John Pottle Marketing Director, Spirent Communications, Positioning Group

2009 was seen as a difficult year for most businesses. However, 2009 was ‘as expected’ for Spirent in terms of revenues and profits, how did Spirent manage this?
Spirent sells test systems for navigation and positioning across the industry, from government to consumer products, from R&D through to …

Jul 2010 | No Comment

Says Sanjai Kohli, Father of Mass Market GPS and Inventor Extraordinaire

Congratulations on winning the European Inventor Award 2010 along with Steven Chen for your outstanding work on developing powerful chipsets. The GPS industry has already felt the impact of your invention, how do you feel about the recognition finally being accorded to you?
We knew that …

Jun 2010 | No Comment

says François Erceau vice president and general manager of Ashtech

While commenting on the name change from Magellan Professional to Ashtech you said, “Ashtech brings a remarkable legacy of technology, precision, and innovation, but the ‘new Ashtech’ is a venture for the 21st century.” Would you like to elaborate?
Founded in 1987, Ashtech® has long played an …

Mar 2010 | No Comment

Donald G DeGryse

says Donald G DeGryse, Vice President, Navigation Systems for Space Systems Company, Lockheed Martin

The Navigation Systems business unit was established in 2001 and has had an eventful journey so far. What in your opinion are three ‘landmarks’ achieved by the unit since 2001?
Navigation Systems was established to combine Lockheed Martin’s world-class system engineering …