Articles in the His Coordinates Category

Feb 2006 | No Comment

Says Clement Woon, President of Geosystems Division, Leica while explaining the technological
trends in GPS applications. Hexagon AB, a Swedish publicly listed company, acquired Leica
Geosystems AG in October 2005. Since then we have been organized
into three divisions; namely the Geosystems Division, the Measuring
Tools Division and the Geospatial Imaging Division. We are now part
of a larger global group focusing on measurement technologies.

Feb 2006 | No Comment

says Maj Gen M Gopal Rao, Surveyor General of India while discussing the vision, status and
direction of Survey of India.When Survey of India (SoI) had the basic role of meeting Defence needs
of mapping, it fulfi lled this national commitment with fl ying colours.
Defence and Security agencies primarily depend on the topographical
maps in every activity of planning their strategy.

Feb 2006 | No Comment

Says Dr Irwin Itzkovitch, Assistant Deputy Minister,Earth Sciences Sector, Natural Resources Canada
while discussing various aspects of Indo-Canada relationship in the field of Geomatics.Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) helps shape the important contribution
of Canada’s natural resources sector to our economy, society and
environment. The segments on which NRCan focuses are forestry,
energy, minerals and metals, and Earth sciences, including geomatics,
geoscience and related industries. Canada’s natural resources industries
are high-tech, innovative and growing.

Jan 2006 | Comments Off on “India should have its own positioning satellite system”

says K Ramalingam, Chairman, Airports Authority of …

Jan 2006 | Comments Off on “Security concerns about maps are at times overplayed”

says Lt Gen Ranjit Singh, SM, Engineer-in-chief and …

Dec 2005 | Comments Off on “A web-based transport system is well developed in Hong Kong”

says Prof. YQ Chen, Department of Land Surveying and …

Nov 2005 | Comments Off on “Information from Imagery”

Ian Dowman, President, ISPRS explains …

Jul 2005 | Comments Off on “What is the difference between Everest Spheroid and WGS 84?”


NoCoordinates is a new section, where readers questions …