Articles in the His Coordinates Category


Jan 2012 | No Comment

Indeed, the successful launch of two Galileo satellites on 21 October 2011 from French Guyana was a key step for the programme. Galileo is now becoming a reality and I am really proud of it. The EU, with its partners, in particular the European Space Agency, has demonstrated its ability to manage such a large scale programme. We are reaping the fruits of our continuous efforts. The programme is under control both on programmatic and fi nancial levels and it is now possible to accelerate the deployment of the constellation of satellites. That is why I have decided to buy additional satellites.

Dec 2011 | No Comment

The most important achievement of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) has been bringing together many agencies to work for a cause. It had not been easy and it took more than ten years to reach at this stage. In addition, we were involved in the standards development activities of NSDI for Metadata (2005/2009) and National Spatial Data Exchange Standards (NSDE- 2003). NSDI is seen as Standards organization and Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is in the process of constituting a mirror committee for ISO TC 211 with NSDI as anchor.

Dec 2011 | No Comment

GIS is becoming pervasive and is finding applications across a wide range of applications across the globe. It is becoming an effective language for communication. GIS companies like Esri are leveraging the advancements in information and communication technology and implementing GIS in multiple patterns like desk top, client server, federated, Web/Cloud and Mobile.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

How is Trimble getting ready with the multi-GNSS systems scenario?: Trimble understands that our customers want to purchase receivers today that will benefit from the GNSS signals planned for the future. To keep up with these ongoing changes Trimble’s integrated circuit design team is constantly developing custom chips to be used in our receivers. With many divisions of Trimble utilizing this same core technology the economics of creating a new chip at frequent intervals makes more sense. The latest generation of receiver technology tracks the current Compass navigation demonstration system open service signals and Galileo open service under a license of the European Union and the European Space Agency.

Sep 2011 | No Comment

What is the mandate of National Coordination Office for Space-Based PNT?: The mandate for the National Coordination Office (NCO) is detailed in United States (U.S.) National Policy. Our primary role is to support the National Space-Based PNT Executive Committee which convenes at the Deputy Secretary level to advise and coordinate on Space-Based PNT issues affecting multiple departments and agencies. The NCO does not make decisions or create policy. Rather, we serve as the Executive Committee’s Secretariat and execute tasks as directed by them. Specific responsibilities include interagency coordination, consensus development and issue resolution for all matters presented to the Executive Committee. As Director, I represent the Executive Committee on space-based PNT matters within the Government, the public sector, and with representatives of foreign governments and international organizations.

Jul 2011 | Comments Off on The success of the National GIS would be in its effective utilization for various applications

What has triggered the idea of National GIS?

The idea of National GIS (NGIS) has been driven by the needs of the Planning Commission, Government of India. The Planning Commission looks for lot of information which helps them in the process of planning. The need has been felt to integrate many of these information so that they can utilized effectively for various planning processes and applications.

Jul 2011 | No Comment

I think this is the right time for a National GIS. There are 2 major reasons why I think so. First, see how as a nation we are tremendously progressing and growing and this will grow manifold in the coming 5-10 years.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

Says, Mr. Alexander Wiechert , Business Director, Vexcel Imaging GmbH in coversation with Coordinates.The UltraCam was conceived by Vexcel Imaging prior to the acquisition of the company by Microsoft. The organization, now known as the Microsoft UltraCam product group, has a history of leading the industry by innovation.

Mar 2011 | No Comment

The Indian Naval Hydrographic Department, with its rich traditions in the field of hydrography, wide ranging experience, a good infrastructure coupled with an excellent Human Resource, has the entire requisite wherewithal to be ranked amongst the best in the world. This has not happened overnight; the initial foundations have been laid by our predecessors and we who man and run the department now have been blessed by a good beginning. In the last five years, we have only added on to its already established stature.

Jan 2011 | No Comment

According to the report……, “Despite significant growth since 2006, significant untapped potential remains.” Would you like to elaborate on this?

According to the forecast based on available information sources and which involved several market experts, the global GNSS revenues are still expected to grow at a double digit CAGR in the 2010 – 2020 period. This growth will come from both new applications and expansion of current products and services. In terms of penetration, the biggest impact will come from LBS since GNSS is still only in a small portion of today’s mobile phones. Regarding new applications, there are countless examples such as ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems). As for GNSS R&D initiatives in the context of the EU 7FP program of the European Commission, being delegated to the GSA, there is a surge of GNSS technology projects proposing creative applications such as using combined radar and satellite navigation technologies to create maps of coastal areas. Advances in EGNOS and Galileo will accelerate these developments.