Articles in the Application – New Category

Bhuvan (, a unique geoportal of NRSC that provide diversified geospatial services, is gaining popularity day by day and is much appreciated for its dynamic services. Initiated in 2009, Bhuvan has grown up rapidly and has made its impact on Indian user community. Expanding it’s state-ofart facilities and a datacentre at Hyderabad, Bhuvan is now extending geographically with its distributed architecture.

Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) consists of Global Positioning System (GPS), Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing (RS), and the procedures and tools for creating, sharing, and integrating the SDI. The accessibility to SDI as input variables for many project plans and implementation reflects the effectiveness of using SDI. It is created throughout the world by several countries at all level (governments, private sectors, national, state, province and region) (Rajabifard et al, 2003).

Fundamental to the challenges facing the reform of the Indonesian land sector is that it lacks a comprehensive land law. All land in Indonesia falls into one of two categories: (i) forest estate (kawasan hutan); and (ii) non-forest estate (Areal Pengunan Lain, APL). As such, land is administered under a dual system through two different government agencies, the Ministry of Forestry (MoFor) and the National Land Agency (Badan Pertanahan Nasional, BPN) responsible for forestry and non-forestry lands, respectively.