Apr 2021 | No Comment


Another feat of human perseverance
When the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
Landed on the surface of Mars on Feb 18,2021
To look for habitability, seek biosignatures, cashing samples and
test oxygen production from the Martian atmosphere.
Equipped with new entry, descent, and landing (EDL) technologies, such as Terrain-Relative Navigation (TRN),
That allows the rover to …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

Large-scale Deployment for Sonardyne Fetch AZA
A new breed of underwater sensor that is able to self-calibrate, enabling precise, long-duration subsidence monitoring at all depths, has been deployed at scale for the first time. The 20-plus Fetch Ambient- Zero-Ambient (AZA) pressure monitoring transponders (PMTs), developed by underwater technology specialist Sonardyne, will support an ongoing longterm, …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

India notifies Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021
The Indian Government on 14 March notified the Unmanned Aircraft System Rules, 2021. These rules will apply to Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) registered in India, wherever they may be or possessing or engaged in exporting, importing manufacturing, trading, leasing, operating, transferring or maintaining an Unmanned Aircraft System in …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

3,000+ Km Navigation-assisted autonomous driving expedition
XPeng Inc. has announced the launch of a long-distance navigation-assisted autonomous driving expedition from March 19 to 26, 2021, covering a total distance of 3,675 km across six provinces in China. The performance of XPeng’s newly released autonomous driving assistance function – Navigation Guided Pilot (NGP) – will be …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

Free Resources to Protect Critical Infrastructure From GPS Spoofing
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has published the Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) Integrity Library and Epsilon Algorithm Suite to protect against Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) spoofing, or deceiving a Global Positioning System (GPS) device through false signals. These …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

TCarta awarded NOAA grant
TCarta Marine has been awarded a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II grant from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The research focuses on enhancing Satellite Derived Bathymetry technology for application in the coastal waters of Alaska.
Satellite Derived Bathymetry (SDB) extracts water depth measurements from multispectral satellite imagery …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

18th century fort brought to Life with LiDAR and 3D Modeling
A Canadian archaeologist has used advanced mapping and visualization technologies to bring one of the earliest European settlements in North America back to life. Dr. Jonathan Fowler combined a centuries-old map with a modern 3D terrain model to portray Fort Anne and its surrounding …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

James van Rens

Strategic Advisor RIEGL Group / Government & Industry Relations.

In the present challenging times, how has RIEGL adapted itself and have also come out with technology solutions for its customers especially ‘operating remotely’?
RIEGL is committed to ensure our customers’ needs are met. While our company as a whole has adapted to what is now …

Apr 2021 | No Comment

At the Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography the training course “C++ for cartographers and surveyors” is used to educate students. The C++ programming course focuses on the use of cartographic tasks and geodetic exercises to illustrate various programming language constructions. A computer training program to be used as…

Apr 2021 | No Comment

Medici Land Governance (MLG) captures property information including spatial and textual data by identifying and mapping land boundaries using high resolution drone imagery. MLG works closely with country governments to establish formal property ownership for land owners by implementing Systematic Land…