Cadastral surveys are specially designed large scale surveys, generally on 1:4000 scale which are linked to land ownership and property. In case of urban cadastral surveys, the scales may be as large as 1:500 to 1:4000. This paper is, however, emphasizing the rural and village properties. The urban cadastre, although very vital needs a separate and detailed discussion.

Tsunami shifts Bangkok southwest…
Bangkok has moved about nine centimetres (3.5 inches) horizontally southwestwards because of the December 26 earthquake that measured 9.0 on the Richter scale and sent devastating tsunamis across the Indian Ocean. The tourist island of Phuket also moved 32 centimetres (12.6 inches) southwestwards since the quake, said the Chulalongkorn University researchers, who used GPS satellites to measures the shifts during a January 20-24 survey. Researcher Itthi’s survey engineering department at Chulalongkorn is collecting data from six other locations in Thailand to get a better picture of how the nation’s geography has changed, the Nation newspaper reported.
June 2005
31st International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment
20 – 24 June, Saint Petersburg, Russia
8th United Nations Regional Cartographic …
Excerpts from the US Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, …