
Aug 2008 | No Comment

Mobile tools for wayfinding combined with Location Based Services (LBS) can provide pedestrians with practical information concerning optimal routes and useful facilities in their vicinity. However, what is considered as “optimal” and “useful” largely varies between different kinds of individuals. Inappropriate information may hinder effective information extraction for a person seeking specific navigational and environmental information…

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on Volume IV, Issue 8, August 2008
May issue

Survey and GIS: Finding the missing links Gary A Jeffress, Bruce Carlson, Gary R Kent, Matthew Smith, TN Wong
Galileo E5 signal acquisition strategies Nagaraj C Shivaramaiah, Andrew G Dempster
The way we walk
Alexandra Millonig
Fuzzy logic approach for sustainable land use planning
Novaline Jacob and Krishnan R

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS –INDUSTRY

Leica GNSS QC and Spider V3.1
Leica Geosystems introduces GNSS QC V2.1, the latest version of the GNSS quality control and data analysis software. It includes an interface to geodetic processing packages such as Bernese by adding support for the SINEX format. It provides a convenient way of displaying and monitoring site displacements and troposphere estimates computed using high-end scientific software packages that are ideal for wide area or seismic GNSS monitoring and crustal deformation studies.

Leica has also released GNSS Spider V3.1. New are a Network based DGPS service and a unique User Location Service, providing secure external online access to user location information.

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “The success of NSDI lies in new and innovative applications’’

Ir.Rudolf W.Matindas, Head of Bakosurtanal (National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping) …

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on “DiMAC Systems to provide a new approach to digital aerial cameras’’

Mr. Julien LOSSEAU, COO of Dimac Systems s.a.r.l. in an exclusive tete a tete with Coordinates magazine during ISPRS Congress in Beijing

According to him, DIMAC Systems truly believes that behind its mission and desire to offer a new product lies something even more significant: the will to provide a new approach …

Aug 2008 | No Comment

The Galileo E5 signal employs a complex sub-carrier modulation known as AltBOC(15,10) modulation. The sub-carriers are specially chosen waveforms that result in a split spectrum and a constant envelope after the modulation. Four codes are combined with these specially chosen complex sub-carriers to obtain the modulating signal which then phase modulates the E5 carrier. Alternatively, the complete modulation can be…

Aug 2008 | One Comment

Ten years ago the California Board for Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (BPELS) attempted to pass a set of rules that required all digital mapping to be performed by Professional Land Surveyors. The motivation for these rules stemmed from the definition of surveying under the California Professional Land Surveyors’ Act, which includes specific reference to digital mapping being within the purview of the Professional Land Surveyor…

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

August 2008


ESRI’s 28th annual International User Conference


August 4-8, 2008 in San Diego, California


3rd Indonesian Geo-Information …

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – UPDATE

Europe looks for intellectual GNSS expertise

S With a public funds set aside for Galileo and EGNOS and related projects being put out to bid, Europe is also looking for intellectual GNSS expertise to help it get Galileo in orbit.

The European Commission’s director general for energy and transport is advertising for a “contractor that has extensive experience with the project management of large projects, in particular public sector procurements, and knowledgeable in a range of domains, that will assist the Commission in making strategic decisions, in taking the right programmatic approaches, in analyzing and reviewing the state of the programs at various milestones, and in putting forward recommendations. That’s according to the “invitation to tender” issued by Fotis Karamitsos, head of the European Commission (EC) Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, on June 25.

This call for outside expertise arose from the moves the European Union made in late 2007 to rescue the Galileo program in the wake of the collapse of its public/ private partnership funding mechanism. As part of that decision to make Galileo an entirely public project, it created the European GNSS Programmes Committee to assist the European Commission in administering the Galileo and EGNOS programs. The full invitation to tender document can be downloaded at the European Commission Directorate- General for Energy and Transport website.

Aug 2008 | Comments Off on Silk road for information from imagery

The XXI ISPRS Congress, 3-11 July 2008 Beijing, China

The opening ceremony of XXI ISPRS (Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) Congress was chaired by Prof Yang Kai, President of Chinese Society of Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography. Mr Lu Xinse, Vice Minister of Land Resources of China, Director General …