
Dec 2008 | Comments Off on Volume IV, Issue 12, December 2008
May issue

LCNSS is better than GNSS
María D Laínez and Miguel M Romay
Engaging young minds in designing future cities
Shubhra Kingdang
Couldn’t we predict the Wenchuan Earthquake with GPS?
Shunji Murai and Harumi Araki
Meeting the demand of real-time positioning
Lars Jamtnas and Bo Jonsson

Dec 2008 | No Comment

The Wenchuan Earthquake occurred in Sichuan Province, China on the 12th May 2008 with M 8.0 in Richter Scale and 10km depth which resulted in more than 90,000 dead and missing. It is reported that the total loss is more than 170 Billion US Dollars…

Dec 2008 | No Comment

The competition started nearly two decades ago in the United States as the National Engineers Week Future City Competition with the aim to provide fun and exciting educational engineering programs for school students by combining stimulating engineering challenges with ‘hand-on’ application to enable them to present their vision of a city of the future…

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – UPDATE

EU developing ‘militarised’ space policy which could trigger ‘arms race’
The European Space Agency is accused of developing technology to dominate the “high ground” of space, including a multimillion pound EU Satellite Centre in Spain. The Transnational Institute, a Dutch think-tank, said: “EU-financed communication and spy satellites are slowly becoming reality and in the long term the inclusion of space-based missile defence and other more offensive uses of space are real options for an increasingly ambitious EU military space policy.” The report said French ambitions for the “militarisation of space” have led to arguments with Britain – particularly over Galileo, the much-delayed European global positioning system. President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, who currently holds the Presidency, said in June that space agenda was one of his priorities. Galileo would be vital in any European deployment of the sort of GPS-guided artillery now being used by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan

Dec 2008 | No Comment

Demand for Satellite Navigation technology and applications keeps on increasing in a wide range of economical, social, technological and environmental sectors. This growing interest in the development of Satellite Navigation Systems is demonstrated by the interest of several countries in starting the development of new systems or contributing to existing ones. The major rational behind is…

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – REMOTE SENSING

PIL demands removal of country’s images from Google Earth
Public interest litigation was filed in the Bombay High Court in India, has taken exception to easy access to satellite images of the vital installations in the country through Google Earth. The petition filed by Mumbai-based lawyer Amit Karkhanis has demanded removal of images of the country from Google Earth. The petition is filed against the backdrop of terror attacks in Mumbai. The petition is likely to come up for hearing on December 18.

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GPS

Coastal navigation upgrade
The UK’s General Lighthouse Authorities (GLAs) have awarded a £4m contract to VT Communications for the upgrade of 14 Differential Global Positioning Service reference stations. The upgrade includes adding the capability to use modernised GPS signals that will be needed for tracking the future satellite navigations systems, Galileo and GLONASS.

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – GIS

New GIS software from India
The Space Applications Centre and Scanpoint Geomatics in Ahmedabad have released a new product, IGIS. It has been developed to a requirement from Indian Space research Organisation for a GIS software that could ingest data from its satellites and turn out information products. It contains an integrated image processing engine and a GIS.

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS –LBS

Canalys: EMEA Q3 GPSs phone shipments overtake PNDs
According to Canalys, shipments of PNDs in the Q3 to Europe, the Middle East, and Africa fell to 4.3 million from 4.8 million in Q2, while shipments of GPS-enabled smartphones soared, rising from 4.7 million to 10.4 million. Based on its latest research, the firm estimates that global shipments of PNDs in Q3 2008 rose 14% compared to Q3 2007, with North America and Asia Pacific still seeing considerable volume growth of 49% and 25% respectively. The risk to PND vendors is likely to rise further as the economic situation forces more consumers to take a hard look at their discretionary purchases/

Dec 2008 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

December 2008


GEOExpo 2008 China


2 – 4 December 2008,


Shanghai, China

January 2009


ESRI Asia Pacific User Conference


20-21 January 2009


Singapore city,Singapore


Intergeo East


27-29 January 2009



February 2009


Trimble Dimension 2009


123-25, February 2009


The Mirage, Las Vegas, USA

March 2009


Munich Satellite Navigation Summit Conference


March 3-5,2009


Munich, Germany

April 2009


GEO Siberia 2009


21-23 April


Novosibirsk, Russian

May 2009


International Conference on …