
Jun 2011 | No Comment

A precise digital map is needed to perform lane recognition using carrier-based GNSS position information.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

The main focus of the paper is to describe the use of emerging technologies in a cost-effective way and to illustrate the cost advantages of these technologies.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

The paper presents the current and uniform approaches to sailing calculations highlighting recent developments. We published the first part of the paper in May 11. Here we present the concluding part.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

The use of a semi dynamic datum has been well accepted and its implementation and use have been relatively straight forward from a technical and geodetic perspective.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

Says, Mr. Alexander Wiechert , Business Director, Vexcel Imaging GmbH in coversation with Coordinates.The UltraCam was conceived by Vexcel Imaging prior to the acquisition of the company by Microsoft. The organization, now known as the Microsoft UltraCam product group, has a history of leading the industry by innovation.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

Venezuela to use Chinese technology in RS satellite:
Venezuela signed manufacturing contract with China for the development of its remote sensing (RS) satellite. The satellite will be launched in October 2012. This remote sensing satellite will be used for monitoring of natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, floods and heavy rains. The life of satellite will be five to six years.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

SatNav in JV with AND:
SatNav Technologies has announced plans to set up a Joint Venture based on shared vision and complementary business opportunities. From an India perspective, the deal will give SatNav access to the best mapping technologies in the world and upgrade their Indian map IP in line with the standards followed worldwide.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

Spatial energy continues global expansion with announcement of European subsidiary:
Spatial Energy has announced the opening of a European subsidiary at the 2011 EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers) Conference & Exhibition in Vienna, Austria. With increased interest in oil and gas exploration and production, including activity in Africa, as well as in shale gas plays in Eastern and Western Europe, Spatial Energy made the strategic decision to focus on building and strengthening relationships with key EAME energy companies.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

India’s GSAT-8 satellite to help GAGAN:
India’s advanced communication satellite GSAT-8 successfully launched into its geosynchronous transfer orbit by Arianespace’s launch vehicle Ariane-5 from Kourou in French Guyana. Weighing about 3100 Kg, GSAT-8 is configured to carry 24 high-power transponders and a two channel GPS-aided GEO Augmented Navigation (GAGAN) payload.

Jun 2011 | No Comment

ArcLogistics update gives drivers a break:
ArcLogistics, Esri’s web-based vehicle routing and scheduling solution, has new options to route drivers more efficiently. New settings allow dispatchers to account for drivers’ daily break times, such as 15-minute and 1-hour lunch breaks. These improvements will help dispatchers better account for the actual time it takes to complete a route when creating the day’s plan.