The Eighth Meeting of the International Committee on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (ICG) was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) from 10 to 14 November 2013 to continue reviewing and discussing developments in global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and to allow ICG members, associate members, and observers to address recent developments in their organizations and associations with regard to GNSS services and applications.
NovAtel Inc has launched NovAtel CORRECT positioning technology. It optimally combines data from multiple GNSS satellite constellations with corrections from a variety of sources, to deliver the best position solution possible…
The Czech Office for Surveying, Mapping and Cadastre (COSMC), has implemented a web-based solution from Intergraph® for the distribution and publishing of national geospatial data. It includes high-performance image compression and delivery for handling big data on a large scale.
Highly automated vehicles require highly precise and redundant positioning and navigation systems in order to stay on track. With an innovative approach designed to meet this need through landmark-based navigation, Hartmut Runge from the Earth Observation Center (EOC) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) has…
Chronos has announced a range of GPS interference and jamming detection and monitoring products and services for critical infrastructure, law enforcement and services dependent on GPS and (in the future) Galileo signals for mission critical operations. Capabilities include hand-held monitoring and detection as well as 24×7 remote sensor monitoring with centralised web based viewing of events and email alerts.
Esri introduces ArcGISfor Electric and Gas
Topcon announces release ofGLS-2000 laser scanner
TomTom introduces MySports mobile app forTomTom GPS watches
Bulgaria signs accessionagreement with EUMETSAT
RADARSAT-2 DEM for the Malaysian Government
MDA’s Information Systems Group (MDA) has signed a contract with Sky-Shine Corporation of Malaysia to deliver over 52,000 square kilometers of digital elevation products using space-based imagery from RADARSAT-2 acquired during 2013 and 2014. MDA will deliver the completed digital elevation products for an area in Peninsular Malaysia as part …
The Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) has published an Open Positioning Framework (OPF) which is a set of standards and protocols which will help reduce the time and costs involved in developing and deploying Mobile Positioning and Analytics Services (MPAS) and enable more businesses in various sectors to reap the benefits of location-based services.