Jan 2017 | No Comment

Esri has announced the release of Esri ArcGIS 10.5, the next-generation analytics technology for innovative organizations…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

Russian Space Systems has released draft versions of the GLONASS interface control documents (ICD) for the future code division multiple access (CDMA) signals in the L1, L2 and L3 bands…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

The Galileo satellite constellation has begun providing positioning, navigation and timing information for shipping, offshore and search and rescue operations…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

No, not at all. It has been very much a live entity devoted to facilitating provision of discovery and access to spatial data sets captured by different partnering agencies of National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

The United Nations/Nepal Workshop on the applications of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) was organized jointly by the United Nations…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

Monitoring is the fastest growing discipline in the survey market. Surveyors undertake the difficult task to answer…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

Bentley advances infrastructure by delivering solutions for the entire lifecycle of the infrastructure asset, tailored to the needs of the various professions – engineers, architects, planners, contractors, fabricators, IT managers, operators, and maintenance engineers – who will work on and work with that asset over its lifetime…

Jan 2017 | No Comment

Situated above the Arctic circle, the Northern Part of Finland called Lapland, is known for its unique knowhow in technologies dealing with snow, ice and cold. This is not suprising taken into account that winter lasts here for more than 6 months and snow tchikness rises up to 1 metre.

Jan 2017 | No Comment

GNSS-based localization is no more or less secure today than it was a decade ago. From a technical standpoint, GNSS has always been vulnerable, and the equipment required to compromise it has long been accessible to everyone…