
Jun 2012 | No Comment

Roads are improved and maintained depending on its roles such as transport routes, minelayers of lifelines, refugee roads at disaster and also needs of users. To improve the roads safety and convenience, road authorities need the data to be used to comprehend 3D shape of the road space and its deformation quickly and accurately.

Jun 2012 | No Comment

WAAS provides very precise navigation service, with both horizontal and vertical guidance over the Continental United States (CONUS) and a large portion of Alaska, Canada, and Mexico. Other countries and regions of the world also have fielded or are fielding similar systems. WAAS and each of these other systems are known as a Satellite Based Augmentation System, or SBAS. As envisioned at its inception, WAAS today provides service from enroute through approach.

May 2012 | No Comment

Established in 1994, the Hungarian Association for Geo-information HUNAGI is a non-for-profit, non-governmental umbrella organisation with the mission goal to encourage and facilitate the availability, accessiblity, share and useability of geographic information according to the EU INSPIRE directive. To achieve the goals HUNAGI provides forums for industry stakeholders and relevant governmental entities and other learned societies to build partnership which can benefit fom use of geosptial data and related technologies.

May 2012 | No Comment

It was all about land. At the World Bank’s Land and Poverty conference (April 23- 26, 2012 Washington DC).
Where Access, ownership, reforms and rights. Acquisitions, regulations and legalities. Revenue, corruption,
administration and governance. People, poverty, policies and practices.

Apr 2012 | No Comment

The UN Cartographic Section (UNCS) is planning to develop global multi-scale geospatial datasets (or UNmap) for rapid map production and web mapping in support to the Security Council and the Secretariat including UN field missions. Currently, an interim version of UNmap in scales of 1:1 million, 1:5 million and 1:10 million are in the final stages of completion. These maps are being used as primary geo-databases for UNCS and UN field missions.

Apr 2012 | No Comment

The Pirate Bay (TPB), a bittorrent website, announced to take its networks off the earth’s surface. It is considering launching a series of ‘GPS-controlled drones, far-reaching cheap radio equipment and tiny new computers like the Raspberry Pi’ to float the Low Orbit Server Stations (LOSS). Through this way, it aims to keep the website safe from law enforcement of

Apr 2012 | No Comment

The Blue Book for Maritime Policy (European Commission, 2007), the Communication “Marine Knowledge 2020” (2010) and the Directive 2007/2/ EC of the European Parliament and the Council (INSPIRE Directive) are examples that recognize the importance of establishing an appropriate marine data and information infrastructure.

Mar 2012 | No Comment

The federal grid operator NIS GLONASS and German company Siemens have signed a memorandum on strategic partnership on creation in Russia the electronic system of charging tolls from cargo transport for damage, done to highways, innovation and venture news source UNOVA reports citing Siemens.

Mar 2012 | No Comment

Norway intends to expand surveys of a previously disputed area in the Arctic offshore region bordering Russian waters ahead of potential oil exploration, Norway’s prime minister. The country’s seismic survey program began last summer in the boundary waters of the Barents Sea and will now move north, to an area east of the Svalbard archipelego, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg said. The more northerly part of the survey program will start this summer and continue into 2013.

Mar 2012 | No Comment

Blue Marble Geographics has announced the release of GeoCore 2012, the all-in-one data conversion developer toolkit for geospatial data. The updated version of GeoCore features GeoCalc 6.5, GeoTransform 6.2, and GeoTranslate 5.2. If desired, the latest versions of these software development kits are also available for individual purchase. When combined into GeoCore users can seamlessly work with any Blue Marble data conversion toolkit in the same development environment to build powerful geospatial software.