
Feb 2008 | Comments Off on Book Review

Edited by Abbas Rajabifard
ISBN 978-0-7325-1620-8
Published by Centre for SDIs and Land Administration,
Department of Geomatics,
The University of Melbourne


Towards a Spatially Enabled Society

‘Spatially enabled government’, ‘spatially enabled society’, ‘spatially enabled’…… These are terms which we are …

May 2006 | Comments Off on Bridging SDI design gaps

With applying modern technologies to generating spatial data, the amount of spatial data is increasing dramatically and huge amounts of data sets are being created and stored by different agencies.
Despite the growth of spatial datasets and the expansion of their use in different applications and new emerging services, they are being acquired and maintained by different organizations under different policies and even by organizations from different political and administrative levels. In such organizational arrangement, the spatial data providers produce and manage their own datasets without considering the reuse and integration of the datasets by other users, so most of the datasets have been produced and managed for a single purpose…

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on Developing national SDI platform for Greece

Spatial information plays important role in the development of the social, economic and environmental sectors. Some of the most remarkable applications for geographic information include: crime management, terrorism prevention, land and business development, flood mitigation, and disaster recovery (SDI Cookbook, 2004)…

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on Indian prelude to British cadastral and revenue maps

Raja Todarmal was the minister for revenue in the court of Akbar. Building upon the foundations laid by Sher Shah, Todarmal introduced a system of land reforms, the essence of which was an assessment of the land revenue according to the extent of cultivation, the nature of the soil and the quality of the crops. He set up a scheme of laborious measurement, analysis of possibilities and calculation of prospects…

Jan 2006 | Comments Off on NEWSBRIEFS – INDUSTRY

Spectra Precision Laser grade control systems
Trimble has introduced a portfolio of laser-based machine display and control systems for grading and excavating applications. The new Spectra Precision Laser machine systems is said to be highly fl exible, extremely rugged and can be used on a wide range of machines, including dozers, backhoes, scrapers, skid steers and excavators. On a dozer, the system can be upgraded for automatic blade control providing even greater productivity gains. The Spectra Precision Laser grade control systems give the operator visual guidance for the cutting edge of the blade or bucket.

Dec 2005 | Comments Off on Developing a platform to facilitate sharing spatial data

Users of positioning and spatial information services and tools require precise spatial information in realtime and real-world objects. Simply an accurate positioning of a future subdivision is no longer accepted, users require it to be visualized as well, in order to take into account outside in?uences. The capacity to meet such user needs and deliver services and tools within the spatial information market has gone beyond the ability of single organisations (Rajabifard, et al, 2005a). There is now a wide range of products and services available for a wide range of IT applications, and hence the development of an enabling platform can facilitate access to data and sharing resources and tools among different practitioners. The creation of an enabling platform for the delivery of these tools and positioning applications will allow users from diverse backgrounds to work together with current technologies to meet the dynamic market place.

Jul 2024 | No Comment

Drone survey at NMDC Diamond Mining Project, Panna
Drone service provider IG Drones has secured a substantial work order for conducting a comprehensive drone survey based on Photogrammetry and LiDAR at the Diamond Mining Project in Panna, Madhya Pradesh, India. This contract, awarded by National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC), spans three financial years, covering 2024-25, 2025-26, …

Jul 2024 | No Comment

A new non-parametric approach, WILDetect, has been built using an ensemble of supervised Machine Learning (ML) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) techniques. Readers may recall that the first part of the paper was published in May’ 24 issue of Coordinates magazine. We present here the concluding part

Kaya Kuru

Corresponding author School of Engineering, University of Central Lancashire, …

Jun 2024 | No Comment

In this paper, we discuss a research effort for an Automated Nautical-chart Generalization (ANG) model in the Esri environment

Tamer Nada

Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/ UNH-NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA

Christos Kastrisios

Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping/ UNH-NOAA Joint Hydrographic Center, University of New Hampshire, Durham, USA

Brian Calder

Center for Coastal and …

May 2024 | No Comment

Hydrosat, the climate tech company specializing in delivering satellite imagery and data analytics to measure water stress and climate impact, announced that it has been awarded a grant from the United States National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program.

NOAA’s SBIR program funds the development of innovative solutions that demonstrate excellent …