
Oct 2012 | No Comment

The main goal of the new phenomenon is the participation of the citizens. Everyone can be involved by collecting and uploading data or by editing entries and monitoring the results. Different terms are interlinked to it; User Generated Content, Crowdsourcing and Neogeography are only a few of them share the main philosophy.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

Seven (7) of the nine (9) points which constitute the National GNSS Calibration Network were occupied using an active VRS receiver. This network of points will form the basis of legal traceability for Cadastral Surveys in Jamaica. The tables 4 and 5 below set out the results.

Sep 2012 | No Comment

Under the watchful eye of ESA’s Vecmap initiative, the Asian bush mosquito is about to get bitten in Belgium. First observed in Belgium in 2002, the Asian bush mosquito can spread viruses such as Chikungunya, Dengue, and West Nile. Vecmap tests the accurate mapping of mosquitoes in Europe and in particular, mosquitoes carrying diseases.

Aug 2012 | No Comment

Esri has joined the ocean business alliance World Ocean Council (WOC) and will support its international initiatives for sustainable development and conservation of the ocean. Esrichief scientist Dawn Wright will share her geospatial expertise with WOC’s Coastal and Marine Spatial Planning (CMSP) and Ocean Science working groups. WOC members are oil and gas, seafl oor mining, shipping, fisheries, aquaculture, tourism, and offshore renewables companies.

Aug 2012 | No Comment

8th FIG REGIONAL CONFERENCE will be held in Montevideo, Uruguay, from 26th to 29th November 2012 at the Radisson Hotel. The Conference is hosted by the International Federation of Surveyors, FIG and the Uruguayan Surveyors Association (Asociación  de Agrimensores del Uruguay (AAU) as the local host.

The overall theme of the Conference is “Surveying towards Sustainable …

Jun 2012 | No Comment

Spectracom has announced its new L1+L2 dual frequency 32-channel multi-GNSS simulator, the GSG-62. It offers multiple frequency band operation, multiple GNSS constellation simulation, and expansion capability for more frequency bands and channels.

Jun 2012 | No Comment

Do Not Track!: George Cho;

Geodetic activities in Latin America and The Caribbean: always IN: C Bruninit, L Sánchez;

WAAS Today: Deborah Lawrence;

Feb 2012 | No Comment

The GIS Research Centre at Feng Chia University in Taiwan developed Taiwan’s first municipal works cloud-based map platform. It will allow city government officials and policy makers to have a clear picture of the city’s major construction projects. The platform, which was commissioned by the Taichung City Government, will integrate the city’s digital map libraries including urban planning and cadastral map libraries, and will allow users to browse records concerning the city’s major construction projects and tenders.

Nov 2011 | No Comment

Geodesy: Out with the Old, In with the New:Chris Rizosl;
Experiences from world bank development support for land reform:Keith Clifford Bell;
Improving the administration of marine and coastal spaces:Harun Kenan Subasi, Reha Metin Alkan;

Oct 2011 | No Comment

Land reforms, Will continue to remain a contentious issue. In many parts of the world, That can be driven more by strong political will And sustained commitment.