
Sep 2015 | No Comment

Vol. XI, Issue 9, September 2015

Sep 2015 | No Comment

The 1960s to early 1970s were boom times for enrolments in surveying and geomatics programs in the state of NSW in Australia and I suspect other states as well. At the University of NSW (UNSW) at that time there were up to 100 students per year entering the program.

Aug 2015 | No Comment

This study investigates the potential of using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in surveying and mapping customary land parcel boundaries. In Namibia, new laws demand for the boundaries of individual and collective customary lands to be adjudicated, mapped and recorded…

Jul 2015 | No Comment

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) membership has approved the OGC Web Processing Service (WPS) Version 2 Interface Standard. It provides rules for standardizing how inputs and outputs….

May 2015 | No Comment

The rapid development and increased demand for spatial information infrastructures in many jurisdictions have made spatial information an invaluable tool in policy formulation and evidence-based decision making.

Apr 2015 | No Comment

Security of tenure and incontestable spatial definition of land is the major contributor to the economy of developed states and is the economic springboard for developing states. E-governance technology is now a major component of administering all aspects of this sector.

Apr 2015 | One Comment

In most countries, the cadastral system is just taken for granted, and the impact of the system in terms of facilitating an efficient land market and supporting effective land-use administration is often not fully recognised. The reality is that the impact of a well-functioning cadastral system…

Apr 2015 | No Comment

Urbanisation is one of our most significant challenges (Suzuki et al, 2010). Rightly or wrongly, achieving sustainable urbanisation has been increasing reliant on high-rise, high-density buildings as the dominant urban form, and the stratified use of space to provide infrastructure, utilities and services both above and underground.

Mar 2015 | No Comment

The Coalition of Geospatial Organizations (COGO) released its Report Card on the U.S. National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) that depicts the condition and performance of the nation’s geospatial..

Mar 2015 | One Comment

The physical extents of land ownership have been defined by many methods over the years ranging from verbal agreements between adjoining owners to formats of written descriptions, maps or survey records…