Articles in the Articles Category

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Water vapour estimation at few GPS sites in Indian subcontinent

Atmospheric water vapour estimation from the GPS data, surface total pressure and the mean tropospheric temperature is the most cost effective method which gives all weather good spatio-temporal coverage. Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV) in the atmosphere can be estimated from GPS data by determining the travel time delay of GPS radio signals through the troposphere. Water vapour is already identified as…

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on A capital chaos



Delhi faces confusion and chaos.
With a pressure to host Commonwealth games in 2010.
Unauthorized construction, encroachments, illegal …

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Optimizing gravimetric geoid solution

Transformation of GPS derived ellipsoidal height to orthometric height is one of the most important applications of gravimetric geoid. Its applicability remains questionable if the above transformation cannot be done to a reasonable order of accuracy. Use of GPS observations at levelling benchmarks and subsequently determined geoidal seperation using the geometrical relationship between geoid and ellipsoid (see fig. 1 )…

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Was there any pre-signal of Pakistan earthquake?

The authors have continued a research on the prediction of earthquake using GPS data in Japan, one of the disaster prone countries since 2000. The authors have discovered pre-signals of those past big earthquakes with more than M6, such as Miyagi Offshore and Hokubu Earthquakes (2003.5.26; M7.1 and 7.26; M6.4), Tokachi Offshore Earthquake (2003.9.26; M8.0)…

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on MARK YOUR CALENDAR

April 2006


Geo-Siberia 2006


26-28 April in Novosibirsk, Russia

May 2006


European …

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Innovation

GLOBAL Reckoning of Latitude and Longitude

Presently, …

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on Remembering Everest

Beginning with this issue, JR Smith traces the life and work of Sir George Everest

My interest in Everest came about in two ways. Firstly in the early 1980s I had the idea of compiling a history of land surveying. It was soon obvious that it was a far too wide a topic to do justice …

Apr 2006 | Comments Off on “The wireless market can transform the way people do business”

says Dr Vanessa Lawrence, Director General and Chief …

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on National GPS programme for earthquake hazard assessment

The GPS technology is being used extensively all over the world to generate useful data for different purposes. The Department of Science
and Technology, Government of India has evolved a programme on GPS to study crustal deformation processes with the following objectives…

Mar 2006 | Comments Off on GAGAN update

GAGAN is an Indian Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS). Airports Authority of India (AAI) and Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) to provide the seamless navigation service for all the phases of fl ight over Indian airspace jointly undertake this project. The AAI’s efforts towards implementation of operational SBAS can be viewed as the first step towards introduction of modern CNS/ATM system over Indian airspace…