The insalubrious housing development is a global phenomenon,and one of the main issues that concerns the international community and local governments due to its continuous growth since the end of the last century and the complexity of its economic and social dimensions…
The South Asian region is highly sensitive to the consequences of climate change1. It is known to be the most disaster prone region in the world supporting a huge population of more than 1.3 billion…
In remote sensing technology, vegetation indices are considered as a single number that quantifies vegetation biomass for each individual pixel in a remote sensing image…
A well-functioning cadastre is essential for securing rights in land and property, wealth generation, and contributing to better land and environmental management…
The modern cadastre cannot be considered without mentioning issues related to the SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure) and SES (Spatially Enabled Society)…
A major disaster puts any land administration system at risk of failure at the time it is most needed. This paper addresses the lessons that Nepal may learn from 2 quite…
The requirements on human resources in GNSS are at least two-fold: On the one hand very specialized engineers are needed; on the other hand generalists are needed…
Public agencies the world over continue to be challenged by citizens to rationalise the cost and quality of public service provision, particularly during repeated cycles of financial crises.
Malaysia is a maritime country with two primary land masses, Peninsular Malaysia and East Malaysia. The country has a total land mass of approximately 330,000 sq km and 4492 km of coastlines.