Articles in the Applications Category

This paper introduces a new framework to utilise Volunteered Geographic Service (VGS) for identifying and distributing potential help requests as volunteered services in an automatic and proactive way among potential volunteers in situ right after a disaster
Arash Kaviani
Research Associate, Centre for SDIs and Land, Administration (CSDILA), Department of Infrastructure Engineering, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Professor …

European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service (EGNOS), the European Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS), provides corrections and integrity information to GPS signals over a broad area centred over Europe, and is fully interoperable with other existing SBAS systems (e.g., WAAS, the brand name of the American SBAS).

Turkey, in the 1980s communications satellites were purchased. In 1989, a tender was floated for the first communications satellite project. Following this development, the French Aerospatiale company on December 21, 1990 signed the ‘Turkish National Satellite Communication System Agreement’ with Turkey…